Oh my God...

Finding myself in a rather irreverant mood one day, I decided to sit down and watch the movie which finally killed Ben Affleck's career. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

If one were to label this movie "concentrated crap," they'd be being far too kind. Worse than the vacuous plot and horrifically scripted dialogue is the criminal underuse of James Gandolfini and Catherine O'Hara. If Mike Mitchell had of just turned a camera on these two for 2 hours and tossed away the script, the resulting product would have been a far cry more watchable than the dreck which hit theatres a little over a year ago.

One enjoyable moment was far too brief in its execution: Affleck getting clobbered over the back of the head with a shovel. Personally, I would have preferred to watch him get hit three of four more times. Then maybe ran over by a car.

It amazes me that it took 4 people - that's right 4 - to pump out the story for this film. Apparently not one of them had the common sense to shelve this monstrosity.

In the end, Surviving Christmas is guaranteed to ruin your holidays and make your children cry.

Daily Records

