Underrated Movie Alert
I'm not saying this is the greatest movie but my feeling is that it is a definite quirky classic - and as such is a Must Watch.
It captures the life and times of 2000-2005, the naive young rich, the hard basic family xmas -- and it makes them meet up. And the actors enjoy it and they genuinely are quirky.
In fact its so quirky its Hilarious!!!
What could be funnier than watching Mr Ben Oh So Fine Im a model Affleck with his deadpan good looks suddenly find himself have to convey his "emotional grievances" to a family which is essentially a bunch of rednecks just trying hard to make way for a future for their child (who is typically a nerdy smart kid).
And poor Ben has to suffer through it all and does so with aplomb. He's marvellous so far! Watch the dialogue and expressions - VERY GOOD ACTING. You will never see it again because it is a once-off combination of actors, feelings and an age of dreams unlike that of the 1980s or 1990s.
So yes - watch it because it's unique.
Perfect for a time when you feel like watching a quirky easy thinking funny movie which brings a smile to your face easily. No heavy emotions here.