The study group scene

So I'm watching Legally Blonde on TBS and here's one thing that I hope someone could clear up better. When the light skinned girl with the glasses makes the assumption Elle would call her a dyke behind her back and Elle says, "I wouldn't say that word. You must have me confused for Vivian," what was the point of her saying that?

Was it because Vivian had said that about the other girl before or was it just a comeback to show how mean hearted and mean Vivian was? Idk I kind of wish they explored that scene more. You would think Vivian would confront Elle on that comment. The one thing I kind of wish was in this movie before Elle and Viv became friends was for Elle to really have the chance to call Viv out on her crap (besides just snarky remarks of course).


Elle is pretty witty so she was able to make two points with just one statement. She deflected the insult from Enid (woman with glasses) and redirected to Vivian by suggesting like you said that Vivian would be mean enough to say something like that. But Vivian obviously grew as a person by the end so no need to explore it too much.



I think it was to imply that Vivian was mean and/or to try to get Enid (the lesbian) to go after Vivian instead

"Don't they know they're making love to one already dead?!"

Love Les Miserables!!!


I always assumed what she meant was that Vivian had to have been the one who told Enid that Elle called her that name, even though Elle never did.

This is my signature.


I was confused by that at first too. She actually said, "You must have heard it from Vivian." I took it to mean that Vivian told Enid that Elle had called her a dyke. So that's what Enid's comment meant. When Elle responded "I don't use that word, you must have heard it from Vivian", she was glaring at Vivian who stopped smiling, meaning she realized what Vivian had said.

I could be absolutely wrong though.


Elle brought a ribbony basket full of muffins and they still wouldn't let her study with them.

Muffins, y'all. She would have been allowed in my study group, for sure.

"Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream..."


I don't think Vivian said anything to Enid at all. Enid was just being a bitch, *assuming* that Elle was stuck up. The actual conversation

Enid: "Hey, maybe there's like a sorority you could like join instead like"
Elle: "If you had come to a rush party, I would have at least been nice to you"
Enid: "Would that have been before you called me a dyke behind my back?" (she says something else before that last part but I can't remember it)
Elle: "I don't use that word. You must have heard it from Vivian"

Enid was essentially being rude to Elle for the hell of it, assuming she was the type of girl that would call her names like that. Elle's response was her saying that Vivian was the type who probably would

I'm gonna die of long hair!


This has nothing to do with the topic at hand but random question: Is your signature from The Tenth Kingdom?

This is my signature.


I always took that comment as either Elle knew that Vivian called Enid that name or as the other poster said, getting It deflected off Elle and on Vivian.


Yes it is indeed :)

I'm gonna die of long hair!


Awesome. I love The Tenth Kingdom!

This is my signature.


That something else was something like " was the before you told everyone to vote against me..."
I never got that either. With this and the talk of rush parties, would that mean that Enid had been at the same undergrad college as Elle? Or are there some deleted scenes from 'freshers week' or parts of the script that were not filmed?


By Elle saying that it just implied that Vivian was the sort of person who would ostracize and call Enid a dyke. Whereas Elle, would never say that because she is a nice person.

I don't think that anyone called Enid a dyke, it was a hypothetical question.
