
I picked up this movie at a local shop on a whim and watched it with my housemates tonight. I wasn't expecting much, but it was fantastic. Funny, well-written, well-played, etc.

However, I suspect the director may have a secret love for cheesy 80's music, and Lenny's defective radio was just an excuse to put his favorite songs in the film.

At any rate, I'll definitely be renting it again.


I agree, very funny movie and great characters.


I can only agree on that it is smashing! Infact it is the best movie I have ever seen, the characters are funny and the dialogue is trully great!

I can't mention the number of times I have seen it but it is not less than 20 times. I mean it is so uplifting to see this movie and I become so happy!
You almost want it to go on for 2 more hours.

hehe Lenny's radio is great and so is the rest of the soundtrack for the movie.

If you haven't seen this movie yet than don't wait any longer! You really won't regret seeing this movie trust me it is Smashing!


Again one of those anoying films, so anoying because i wish i had made it! saw this at like 2am on channel 4 and then had to get the dvd, watched it many times, to stylish, such good characters. Beautiful


There are four of us who adore this movie!Beacuse of that we are considering to start a fun club in Serbia&Montenegro!Probably is going to be a small club in start, but not for long! :) Everyone is invited!

Late Night Shopping RULES!

"`s me Jody, i know..."


well,, I'm very glad that I just happened to see this movie when I turned on the TV that day, and that Luke de Woolfson was pretty enough to keep me watching.


One of my favourite films of all time. Great dialogue, characters and soundtrack. Reminds me why I like films in the first place.


this movie was a delight to watch, i've got it from my VideoRental as a PreviouslyViewed buy; and it was in such a good contition , practiccly new! and just for 2 bucks!

I'm glad i found thid DVD
Like someone above said, it's a happy movie, with a great dialogues that may remind you the first movies of Kevin SMith like Clerks or chasing AMy.

Rent it, buy it, own it! :)

[]𺰘¨˜°ºð[] (ADIDAS) []𺰘¨˜°ºð[]


A person with taste. If you liked this also try a little movie called Heartlands.

"All I did was *bleep* your girlfriend, that watch belonged to Errol Flynn!"


I´ll have to join that fan club.

This film caught my attention because "Barney" from the Book Group was there, and being a fan of that TV series, I felt curious. I was happy to find the charismatic Heike Makatsh (Madeline, "the girlfriend") and I also loved "Jodie", and also "Sean".

Maybe their lives aren´t too glamourous but I wish I had had a small group of friends like that when I had crap jobs in London. I felt too isolated. These guys are friends, after all. You know, ready to go to the middle of nowhere to play mini-golf... XD


Agree with all the lovers of this film, great characters, good soundtrack, nice comedy moments, top film!

Love the bit with the paint on the wall - genios!

Recommend to everyone, cant believe how much of a low following this movie has on this message board!

Incase I dont see ya, Good afternoon, good evening and good night.



Six years later, i totally agree! It's a fantastic film, shows that there's no need of gazillion-dollar budgets when you have creativity and good actors. Many people in Hollywood should get this.
Also, i just looove Kate Ashfield, she's amazingly cute!
