MovieChat Forums > Storytelling (2001) Discussion > What happened at the very end?

What happened at the very end?

My library-rented DVD was scratched at the absolute wrong place. What happened at the very end, when Scooby watches the screening of the film?


I'd really recomend doing whatever it takes to find another copy and watch it. It's a pretty powerful ending.

But, if that's impossible...

Scooby sees the audience laughing at him, and realizes the entire project was mocking and his dream of finding 'connections' and putting his foot in the TV talk show world is over. He leaves and catches a ride home overnight.

The maid, she returns to the house at night, and unhooks the ventilation. She sticks towels under the doors. She's suffocating the family in their sleep.

Scooby returns to the house in the morning, and finds an ambulance in his front yard and a body bag being carried out on a stretcher. Toby arrives with his camera man, and tells Scooby he's sorry for what's happened to his family. Scooby looks at him blankly and says "Why? The movie's a hit."

If I remember it all correctly.


That's pretty much what happened, except Consuelo(the maid) didn't "unhook the ventilation" like you said.

She turned all the gas ports on at the stove and then disconnected the oven from the gas line, thus leaving it open and filling the house with gas.

She essentially suffocated the family as they slept.

True fans own the DVD's


It also seemed as if she put towels under the kids doors so they might not be harmed. Too bad the little kid was scared that night.


what is wrong with you? why would she want to save that kid, he was horrible to her throughout the entire movie. he was the reason she went crazy... have you actually watched the movie?? She put towels under the doors to keep the gas from leaking out of the house, she was ensuring that everyone dies. and the kid being scared at night was just solondz being ironic. jeeeeeeez.




Just watched the movie today, pretty sure he said the former.



I have it on TV right now at the end and he says neither.

He says "Don't be. The movie's a hit."



I have to disagree... The towels under the door were only placed to protect the kids, who she saw as innocent. Thats how I took it, I think its open for your own interpretation. So feel entitled to take it as you like, I simply feel that if that was NOT her intention, the youngest son deciding to sleep with his parents carries no weight or significance, which it clearly has to have.

Its vaugue tho, perhaps Todd wanted us scratching our heads. I could be wrong :)



I agree that the gas death had everything to do with the family being Jewish, as was mentioned many many times throughout the hour of this segment. But it also connects with the method by which Consuela's grandson was executed. The whole thing was ironic overkill... hehehehe

BTW, if you're going to call some stranger an idiot you might want to check your grammar and spelling first. It just makes you look even more foolish.

Yes, I killed Yvette. I hated her sooo much. F - flames, on the sides of my face - heaving, breath-


She purposely wanted to kill all of them.

I should also mention that the last shot is through the hand-held cam, a close-up of Scooby's face. In this shot he says what is stated above "You shouldn't be, the movie's a hit." but I don't know why the other user put a '!' in it because he stares into the camera and says it in a monotone voice with NO facial expression. Very powerful. This film irks the hell out of me though



i actually just finished watching the film and sccoby said 'Don't be - the movies a hit'


I still don't think I understand Consuela's method with the towels. I was trying to think of which doors these would be. The floor is carpeted beneath one of the doors and the other looks like a linoleum floor which means these are probably the front and rear doors to the house correct, not bedrooms or something?

And unscrewing the gas line, was that outside or inside the house? during the shot of her leaving the house you hear the gas leaking sound effect but I'm not sure if that's meant to be interpreted as outside the house or not. You would think she'd want the gas pumped in with the line attached. I thought there would be an explosion or something from the disconnection. I like that the family died from suffocation better than an explosion, it is much more sinister. Great movie, disturbingly great.


Suffocation? Explosion? Inside? Outside?

It doesn't matter! They're all dead, ok? Please move on to more important topics!

Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you, not anymore.


There is no way that the doors that she blocked with the towel were the front and back doors. Those doors were just cheap wooden doors, they were bedroom doors. The maid didn't realize that it was the son's fault so she tried to stop the gas from getting in his and his brothers room. She only meant to kill the parents.


It's ironic (I guess would be the word) that she gases the family to death. Considering they're Jewish and all.

I don't know if that's been brought up or not.



I thought (and this may have just been my interpretation of the family) that she put the towels by the doors of the two family members who had nothing to do with her being fired, or had never done anything to her, which would be Scooby and the one in a coma (not realizing, of course, that Scooby wasn't home).


I think it wasn't because the family was Jewish so much as it was that her Grandson was executed using poisonous gas. I am not sure them being Jewish had a whole lot to do with it. Plus that little bastard said that bad people should be murdered when Consuelo told him that he had been in prison. And I have to say that I did not like her definition of rape. To me, that did not make sense


I'm not exactly why she chose gas. Your reason is probably accurate.

It's just an interesting way to kill an all Jewish family considering the gas chambers from the Holocaust. I dunno, I could be reaching.


As many have stated here, the towels were not "to keep the gas in." She was trying to protect the children.

Aside from the fact she obviously blocked doors on the inside of the house ... there would be absolutely no purpose for someone putting a towel on the side of a door "to keep the gas in." Open door cracks would not save you at all. You would still be poisoned.

Consider the people that are killed every year due to accidental carbon monoxide poisoning (due to faulty heaters, etc.). Obviously, there are no towels blocking any door cracks, and they are still killed.

Stuck in purgatory.


I was SO glad she did not spare that kid. What a monster!! The whole time I was thinking, she's going to slap him now. Killing him was even better.


To the previous poster; she defined rape as she did because she loves her grandson unconditionally, and refuses to believe he's a rapist. From her point of view, she sees her son as a boy that was simply in love with someone that didn't love him, so he did something about it. Not the right thing, but, she doesn't care. It's her son. Maybe the person he raped "had it coming". I mean, I'm certainly not agreeing that if someone "has it coming" it's an excuse to be raped (and I'm assuming he raped and murdered the same person) but if he was, say, cheated on and abused by his girlfriend, or boyfriend, or know, it's easy for a grandmother to side with her son...


What seems to have been left out about the (very) ending is this;

When Scooby says Its a hit, its to show how completely oblivious he is. Whether he is aware or not of what has happened to his family, his reaction shows he is tunnel visioned and that he is reacting as if the filmmaker is apologizing for the film, not the tragedy. The final moment of the film is simply another irony. Even in the face of this overwhelming event, Scooby is still self-involved and clueless about his own reality.
