There was really nothing wrong enough with Billy's audition for the judges not to notice everything what they needed to see: a fabulously gifted and energetic boy with a perfectly fit little body, full of expression. Ballet Judges always react this way: they behave like University professors, aware of their almost Supreme Court-Judge-dignity and prestige. I've been there... 😓
Yet, they still see everything.
Billy isn't used to that: not to the grandiose building of the Academy, nor to the hauthily-nice attitude of the other boys from places he never frequented, nor to the lack of emotion on the faces of the judges. In schools he's used to, teachers eigher bark or cheer, at least you know what you're up against... he's totally struck by failure fear and thinks he's blown his one and only chance of fulfilling his dream.
The carefree way the other boy reacts to this failure which is a catastrophy to Billy, causes him to blow up and react violently. Utter despair!😵
The judges are not content with the ending. They want to know more... Violence not being condoned in these Dignified Halls or not, they have seen what they saw... and if you look carefully, we can too see on little Jamie Bell's face what the judges see: a fierce intensity, and that's what you need to be a real great ballet dancer. So, given half a chance, the boy gives a speech that convinces them they saw correctly. A rough diamond!
It takes much more than perfect technique to become a great ballet dancer: it takes devine talent, an extremely strong body, endless devotion to the art, endless stamina, and lots of inner fire. You need to be able to torture your body till it's at an inch of breaking, day in and day out, while making it look like you're flying likes a feather. Billy says: "like ele'tric'ty... yeah, like el'ctric'ty!"
I couldn't put it any better than that.
I was glad we get to see the result of all that struggle: the magnificent adult Billy, flying on stage like a god. That was one great ending! 🙌