Can somebody explain me some things about the miners?
I pretty oblivious to the Thatcher period of the British history and I had quite a lot of problems understanding what was happening to miners in the movie, so I was hoping somebody could give me some background?
So, what I know is basically what Mrs. Wilkinson's husband said - Thatcher decided to close a lot of mining pits because they weren't profitable, making many miners lose their job. The things I did not understand were the following:
1) What were the protest of miners about and who were they aiming at? I'm referring to the protests Billy's dad and brother went to where they screamed at the police and the buses. What were they aiming to achieve with those?
2) Who (and what) were the "scabs"? Tony calls his ex-best friend in the store one because he goes to the bus.
3) What happened to the miners who went on the bus? Where did they go/what did they do and why was is perceived as betrayal by the other (protesting) miners?
4) Finally, why was going back to the pit a bad thing? Weren't they protesting to keep them open?
I tried to get some more understanding on Wikipedia, but it just made me more confused, hopefully somebody can break it down for me? Thanks!