It was good, but the casting...

Even though I think Caviezel and Guy Pierce are good actors and I have no reason to dislike them, I didn't like that they were the two "stars" of this movie. It's obvious they weren't the "first choices" for a movie like this, as there were so many other "action-type" stars back in 2001-2002 who were more "action type" stars and than these two were. That's not to say they weren't very good and didn't do a good job. I thought they were good in it, but I guess I just thought the casting could have been better for an action-type movie.


Not even jim C was the perfect count . His career went south tho . Guy was perfect for this type of villain . Well he plays all villains well


His career went south? The guy has had a pretty solid career.


Hasn't had a good film since this really


I disagree. This wasn't an action-type movie although it had some great swordfights and stuff. It was much more about drama, and I couldn't imagine better actors to play the two main roles, and everyone else was great, too. Look what happened to Henry Cavill after this. Jim Caviezel was gorgeous, someone I had never seen before, and I thought he was perfect. And Guy Pierce was the perfect villain. No, sorry, I thought their casting choices were terrific.

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war—a waste of good men." (Poldark)
