After Ben Ross is split in half by the door, right before the front half of his body slides down, his eyes dart back and forth. Is that a mistake or not, because I'm pretty sure if you were sliced in half, you would die instantly?
i'm not a doctor, but a chicken's body will continue running around for a very VERY short period of time after the head's cut off. This could be something similar. Perhaps the muscles are just convulsing from the severed connection to the brain...
"Death is just the ultimate orgasm of life." Nip/Tuck
Not a goof, the body would have spasmed after to being severed like it was. It was recorded during the civil war when soldiers had been running from enemies and their head was taken off by a cannon the body will still run for a couple before dropping to the ground.
Actually, it's more realistic with his eyes moving like that. If I remember correctly it's call rigor mortis (I've taken corses foresics and part of it is knowing about death and how it works) For the first few seconds of death, the muscles in a body spasm, then the body go rigid for 2 hours, then finally they go completely limp until the people at the funeral home stuff you full of botox to make you look happy in death so your family isn't as sad when they see you at the funeral.
--- Life is about jumping off the cliff and hoping to the high Heavens that you can fly!
I know that you commented years ago thesecrethour but I just had to mention how many things are wrong in your post.... WOW It's not rigor mortise Your body does not go rigid after being dead for a few seconds They do not "stuff you full of botox"