MovieChat Forums > Thir13en Ghosts (2001) Discussion > The 13 Ghosts In and Out of make-up/char...

The 13 Ghosts In and Out of make-up/character

Happened across this page by total accident but thought it was pretty cool and that others might be interested as well. There is also a ghost 'group shot' at the bottom.¿quienes-son-los-thir13en-gho sts/

Small Town Sim
Hey! Don't you ever knock?


That's a great link, thank you!

Roger: "Oh God, I got a bear claw in my ass!"


Thanks for sharing :)


The Bound Woman chick is really pretty.


Excellent make up.


Thank you! I've been looking for a link to something like this since I first saw the movie! Thank you so much!!!

"Well, yeah, they're baby-eating badasses man, what more do you need to know?"


I've actually re-created the makeup for The Jackal if anyone is interested in a tutorial? :)



I totally thought the Jackal was a woman. Anyone else make that mistake?


Oh, yes- I did!

Small Town Sim
Hey! Don't you ever knock?


The Torn Prince is super hot in and out of make up


Why would a dead and torn up teenage boy be super hot? That's kinda sick...


Why would a dead and torn up teenage boy be super hot? That's kinda sick...

i'm not surprised with this world anymore. there's actually a forum where people post pix of dead guys (post-mortem shots, war casualties, accidents victims etc) and rate them on cuteness. yup - RATE THEM ON CUTENESS/SEXINESS!!!! there's even a yearly poll of cutest dead guy for 2013... mind blown. i thought my friend was joking when she told me that site existed. google cute dead guys.


please excuse me if i don't google that lol. people are sick. i guess i'm naive but i'm shocked on a daily basis by the things that people say & do. i just don't get where the mindset comes from. oh look that's a hot bloody dead guy? no. gross. people need help.


This is what happens when the world becomes desensitized to death. It becomes a cruel joke.


6'9" John De Santis (Juggernaut) was great as a golem in "Supernatural" too!


The Torn Prince is the lead character on "The Listener"

I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy.
