MovieChat Forums > Enterprise (2001) Discussion > my TOS-Prequel would be...

my TOS-Prequel would be...

with a Enterprise which wasnt completed at the time they launched it.
they had to, but it wasnt finished at that time.

there would have been some Scotty-type-guys which are upgrading the ship on tour.

the things on board wouldnt work that properly,
they would have had huge and funny smaller problems because of the technique.

the captain would be the opposite of a military guy.
a womanizer and a not so serious guy.
someone like Tony Curtis.
he had to learn much during the first missions.
a guy which is kore like Kirk, though even more extraordinary.

the ship would have been much more oldschool
and even more like a submarine.
it would have got add-ons during the series.

the clothes would have been more 60s style.
at least the women would have very sexy suits.
they could get plans of new uniforms during the series,
so the characters could hate them first
and got better ones during the missions.

there would be a funny character like data, holographic-doc and the combination of spock & med-doc.

the theme song would be smilar to all the others, but more old school.

the whole series has the problem that they cant show us something which is really new,
cause then it would have been already in the other series.
to compensate that my series would have gone deeper.
it would have shown much more insights, f.ex. in the society of the vulcanians.
they would have been in the cities were we see whats going on there on the streets and so on.
we would also see more of the earth of that time, cause the enterprise wouldnt go too far in the first season.

there would be more interesting crew members except just 1 we have seen.

that would have been my prequel series of star trek (TOS)


Brandon Braga said he and Rick wanted to start it in Earth got a few episodes and not launch the ship straight away.


Yeah the suits messed up things up pretty bad for ENT.Actually Berman and Braga wanted all of season one to take place on earth something in the line of the episode "First Flight".Berman & Braga also wanted series of related episodes much like what happened in seasons 3&4 from the beginning and that Enterprise should have had even less technololgy(No transporters for example)than what we eventually got.When you hear what the suits wanted (Temporal War,more established Trek-tech,Boyband guests(not kidding)etc)it's a miracle that Enterprise turned out so good.Most people tend to blame Berman & Braga for the ENT fiasco but what I got from the interviews with the cast&crew that most of the blame lies with the executives who wanted more of the same.


when i saw ENT on the TV the first time
i just havent accepted it as part of the Star Trek universe at all.

i hated the Title sequence, especially the music,
i didnt liked the uniforms, which had no connection to Star Trek
and i didnt liked the new captain (which wasnt fair of me).
then i saw 1 or 2 weak episodes and didnt give it any more chances till today.
for me the serie was already dead before it really got started
and thats a problem.

i have to admit that i was wrong,
that the serie is not that bad as it looked on the first sight.
the captain and the Doc are okay, T'Pau is really interesting.

its a good serie i like to watch right now,
though it could have been so much better.

but the reasons why i didnt like the serie and which i mentioned above were for sure the same many others share.
i really hope they learned by this mistakes,
they didnt happened because they hadnt enough money,
they were just the wrong decisions.
the only ones were they were somewhat brave,
cause the plots of the episodes were in their best equal to next generation,
but not outstanding and unique enough.

i think they should have been even more brave
to give this serie its own spirit.
it would have been the chance to give the fans much more insight in the cultures
and the contemporary situation on earth.

but choosing a mediocre 90s rock song,
which didnt fit to the year the serie came out
and also not to the 50s was just an anachronism.

and the song is really important to catchbthe fans.


more episodes on earth at the beginning of the serie would have been nice.
still i think the people should have got more recognizeable clothes
that someone who is new with the series knows at the first sight
that this is Star Trek.

without those dresses i am afraid i also wouldnt gave it a chance that time.
the serie could have been different than things we know,
but there are some things which should remind us of Star Trek at the first sight.


without those dresses i am afraid i also wouldnt gave it a chance that time.
the serie could have been different than things we know,
but there are some things which should remind us of Star Trek at the first sight.

Well the whole point of the uniforms/overalls was to emphasize the whole "submarine in space" look they were going for,also they wanted to portray a reality closer to current times.They were not selected to look like Federation-uniforms (and this series takes place in pre-Federation times so the uniforms probably came with that)but more from a point of practicality(at least they have pockets lol).I actually thought it was vast improvement over the spandex pajamas they had during TOS and early TNG episodes that seem uncomfortable and unpractical.


Berman and Braga were morons who ruined most of what they touched. No-one would have stuck around for a season of shows on earth showing humans and Vulcans bickering for an hour and construction issues on a starship.


So you think the studio executives were right so you wanted more Voyager time travelling ,more boring technobabble and bland characters with weekly appearances of N-Sync,One direction etc?  


...when were these boy bands you speak of appear in Enterprise?!


No that was an idea of the studio executives to make the show more appealing for other people besides fans of Star Trek.It was to illustrate with what kind of BS Berman and Braga had to face and how much they had to compromise on their original ideas for ENT. People often blame them for the failure of the show but it was mostly the studio who wanted to have an exact copy of TNG/DS9/Voyager who messed things up for those first two seasons(I don't think those first two seasons are bad at all certainly comparing them with the first two(and a half)seasons of TNG ).
