MovieChat Forums > Enterprise (2001) Discussion > The episode "Dead Stop"

The episode "Dead Stop"

I love this episode to bits.

Especially that ending where the station is rebuilding itself.

If only a future Federation ship had met that station. I wonder if it modified itself for greater protection.


Yeah, I love this episode too. Great continuity carryover from the last episode, and the concept was pretty interesting.


Minefield and Deadstop were certainly two of the more interesting episodes from the 1st couple of years.


Didn't you like P'Jem and the continuing story with the Vulcans/Andorians?


I liked the 'mystery' of The Vulcans being fearful of humans and corrupt from the top down...lots of fans hated it but it added a lot of texture to the show. The animosity between Vulan and Andoria seemed pretty baseless though which is a shame.

If the episode with the planet they've been fighting over for a century from late season 2, was shown early season 1 then it would've had potential for a long term storyline. Making it a sweeter victory for Archer/starfleet when the 2 sides are brought together to fight the Romulans.

It all comes down to the fundamental problem with Enterprise. The producers launched the show (ship!) without a clue where it was going. What a shame.


I liked the 'mystery' of The Vulcans being fearful of humans and corrupt from the top down...lots of fans hated it but it added a lot of texture to the show. The animosity between Vulan and Andoria seemed pretty baseless though which is a shame.

I agree that it made the vulcans far more interesting ,more interesting than they had been for a long time.But the animosity was kind of explained by the fact that the first contact and continuation of that had been similar to the Vulcan-Humans relationship shown in ENT but at some point the Andorians became fed up with the(xenophobic) Vulcans meddling in their affairs and progression that that relationship turned sour,it is the reason why the Vulcans are so careful with the Humans.

If the episode with the planet they've been fighting over for a century from late season 2, was shown early season 1 then it would've had potential for a long term storyline. Making it a sweeter victory for Archer/starfleet when the 2 sides are brought together to fight the Romulans.

This kind of happens in season 4 where things change in the Vulcan regime to something that is more like TOS,but was going to be explored more after season 4 with the formation of the Federation and the upcoming Romulan War and Shran becoming a member on board the(refitted) NX-01.

It all comes down to the fundamental problem with Enterprise. The producers launched the show (ship!) without a clue where it was going. What a shame.

No the producers knew exactly where they wanted to go with the show it was interference from the head office of the studio,bringing dumb ideas like having weakly appearances of boy bands etc,that screwed thing up.
