Re-watching Season 4

Wow, many of the episodes are really good. It's a shame they didn't let the series continue at least one more season. Historically, we can see that most of the ST series really hit their stride in season 4 and got better - for the most part - afterwards.

Now that I've watched S4, and cherry-picked the good episodes from the other seasons, I'm bummed that there isn't more. :(


I agree. Watching start is season 2 recently and loved the first episode and carbon creek. Such a shame cancelled. I was one of the guilt propkecehi didn't give it a chance when first came out and guess why was cancelled.


Just watched all four seasons and I do support the Netflix please give us Season 5 campaign. I think it would be great to even using the same characters at their current age.

Merovingian Goddess
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!


I gave up in this show in season 2 back when it aired. Watching it now on Netflix and wow, the later seasons are really good. Kind of a shame it got canceled.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


It's like many shows, TNG did not hit it's stride or get really good until season 3, ENT did not really get good until mid season 2, did great season 3, and for season 4 it;s some of the best trek you have to ask "how the hell did they cancel this" which now people look back and see how good it is.

Imagine if TNG was cancelled after season 2 or 3 ?, most of ST would be dead as it's TNG season 4 and onward that really set the high bar for all other trek shows. Sadly ENT was not given that chance as I seriously think it could have gone for 7 seasons and if season 3 and 4 were "hitting it's stride" imagine how it could have topped even TNG.

"Always two there are , a master and an apprentice"


I'm almost done with season 4 now and i'm actually pretty angry that the show got cancelled. This show got really good. The production value is through the roof, the actors are all great in their characters, and the way these stories are actually fleshing out Star Trek history AND fixing little problems and hiccups that the series have developed along the way is absolutely brilliant. This is the show we were promised when Enterprise was first announced. However, the format in which the show is presented is abysmal. They just made two or three episode arcs and just chopped them up into episodes. The stories don't work as individual arcs. You have to see the whole thing at once, like i'm doing now on Netflix. I remember tuning in now and then back when it aired and no wonder I was so frustrated. Let's see what Star Trek is up to.... WTF is going on? Here's a chunk of story with no beginning or end. See ya next week? Ha, see you never! It's no surprise at all to me this didn't get picked up again. But that aside, it's terrific.

Yeah, it still amazes me they didn't pull the plug on TNG. With the plot threads Enterprise has been laying down, I think this easily could have been one of the most complex and satisfying of all the shows. Ya can't beat DS9 though. They just had better characters.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


Yes season 4 kicked ass. I like how they started to build bridges to the original series there.


TNG has a much more tolerant audience and there was a bigger demand of a Star Trek series at that time, when ENT came out a lot of people were tired of ST and wanted to explore other shows which hurt it's ratings and viewers.

ENT also did not find it's footing until later a flaw that is what really what caused Season 4 to be the last one, ironically thats also when it started getting really good and more people were interested. Had they given it a season 5 once they started recovering little by little it would have lasted 7 seasons since people really liked the way season 4 was connecting ENT to TOS which got the attention of many old and new fans. Problem was the people in charge were expecting more from ENT too soon and decided to end it just as it was hitting the big time.

"Always two there are , a master and an apprentice"


I've just finished a full watch through of Enterprise and... I've found it a real mixed bag. On the one hand, I think it's been far less "Oh, look how perfect we all are" than the other series, which I've liked. The technology has been less perfect, there's more of a sense of exploration and finding things out for the first time, and more sense of risk and danger.

Having said that, even when the stories have interesting elements that are better than the preceding Trek series, they haven't always been executed very well.

I also found the characters a bit mediocre. It's odd to watch 4 seasons of something, and still feel like the characters haven't really been defined. Maybe Archer and Phlox somewhat. The rest, despite episodes that 'expand' on them, still don't leave you with a real grasp of their characters. Maybe T'Pol, though she's the centre of so much but also one of the least interesting characters (and unfortunately, no offence to Blalock, I just don't find her a particularly great actress. She was clearly supposed to be Enterprise's 7of9, but Jerri Ryan is a big part of what makes that role. She brings character to it even when the scripts are lacking).

I guess the best way to put it, is that if you grab any well written and defined character from any series or film or book, then drop them in a different situation, your imagination should still be able to predict how that character would react. With most of the crew of Enterprise, apart from the general "we usually try to do the right thing" there's never any feeling of that. Not that I found, anyway. That's where Next Gen and even Voyager succeed, despite often having weaker stories than Enterprise.

And that last episode... yikes. What's really bad about it, is that it isn't even that bad. It's just a bit of a pathetic whimper to go out on. If most of that episode had been earlier in the season as a stand-alone throwaway it would've been more fun.
