He is ONLY replying??
Holy cow, does this movie suck when it comes to 'computer realism' and similar stuff.
He only REPLIES to the letters, when he should be TYPING them first, THEN replying to them.
How the heck are the readers going to know _WHAT_ he is replying to, if he doesn't type up the letters first into the computer, where he could, by the way, also correct the grammar?
Also, he doesn't even use the Oxford comma himself, so he's really off to a bad start. I guess I shouldn't comment a movie before I have fully watched it, but damn, this movie is so far one of the worst and most nonsensical and irritatingly unrealistic things I have ever seen, when it comes to computers, timezones, and such 'everyday realism'.
Can't wait what else is waiting for me.. (I have to stop going to thrift stores to get free or 1 dollar movies..)
Just as a sidenote.. a paper EDITOR doesn't have a computer of ANY kind, but the rollerdeck-style option is always on the table. How the heck did ANYONE think this is even remotely realistic? And to retain any kind of immersion, it would kinda have to be.
This is like making a movie about office work and have all the desks, telephones, etc. replaced by sandboxes and kindergarten stuff, without any explanation.
Look, I don't mind movies stretching the imagination, taking artistic liberties, telling 'fantastic' stories (time-travel, sentient robots, other-worldly stuff, other dimensions, whatever), but when you are showing us a what's supposed to be a believable New York newspaper editor, you can't just put a rollerdeck and NO COMPUTER on her table.
What the F is she going to edit on (or is it with?), if she doesn't even have a damn computer? Many other people in the VERY next room have computers and monitors (they were even connected this time!), but not the EDITOR?
What's with this movie and bosses getting the short stick when it comes to computers? What the hell??