All 11 episodes on DVD?

Does anyine know if all 11 (6 broadcast 5 'lost') episodes will be in the collection?

It would be nice to see the entire series at least once.


I'd like to see that happen, I want to replaced my VCD's!

But if (if) it were ever to happen it won't be for a while given the content of the pilot episode.



Irk! I don't want this horrible, terrible and awful episode! grrrr! I hate it lol!!

I myself am... strange and unusual.


Maybe Fox will have it come out before XF2 come's out.Hopefully they'll do that.As well as have a special edition of X1

Hey look its spot


Jump the Shark wasn't a bad episode. But it was really shitty to see TLG go down, especially when I hoped for a TLG movie someday. That would've been harsh. Who knows? Maybe the DVD will sell well enough to prompt the producers to resurrect TLG with some crazy explanation. That would be hip.


I don't think any of those three guys could carry a whole movie.
They were fine in small doses on the show , but none of them have the chops for anything more than that.


The Lone Gunmen has 13 episodes, plus the X-Files Jump The Shark episode.

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
