9/11 Conspiracy!

Has Anyone noticed that they had an episode, aired in March 2001, that had the plot of rogue goverment agents flying passsenger planes into skyscrapers? I think it was the WTC, too. This was 6 MONTHS BEFORE 9/11!!!


Something smells dirty and it's not just coming from me!


No, it is just you.


Yes it was the WTC in the pilot episode! Makes me wonder why there are no more replies about this topic here!
Either this is completely indicent or Osama and his guys watched the episode and it 'inspired' them?!


Osama and his guys?
Anyone worth their salt KNOWS 9/11 was in actuality an American plot. Go watch 'Loose Change', the most convincing conspiracy documentary ever made.



The thing u dont understand is that there is evidence to support a conspiracy regarding 9/11 and there is no evidence to support Elvis being alive.

In fact, looking at the huge amount of evidence FOR the conspiracy, it is completely irrational NOT to believe that the government did it.

Im ashamed to say I would spred my legs so fast it would cause a sonic boom -Nweisha


The thing I don't understand is how retards operating computers so gracefully.


You notice how hes afraid to talk about the causative link


Prove it was not iniciated by a group of scum in the american govenment.


Did you even graduate from high school? You can't prove a negative. If there was a conspiracy that involved George Bush reading to children why framing Islamic wackos flying jet liners into buildings, that is something that needs to be proved by the people asserting it.

Like UFO's. You can't prove there is no such thing as UFO's but if you assert there are, you need to bring the evidence.


Replying to a many year old post [X]

The burden of proof lies on the conspiracy theorists. Whenever someone says "prove that it's not..." I instantly think of religious people who ask atheists to prove that god doesn't exist. THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS NOT ON US! Shesh.

I put forward that I've had sexual relations with three different species of aliens. Prove me wrong.


Prove that it was.


What 9/11 should tell you if you take the time to look at both sides of the argument is that there are too many questions. Yep Elvis is dead, but like the magic bullet theory that the Warren Commission used to neatly close the case on JFK. There are too many unanswered questions. I don't believe all that Loose Change and other conspiracy proponents have put forward, but I also don't believe the "official" version either. The truth, most likely lies someplace in between.


JFK, Elvis, and Jim Morrison living together in Michigan? Now that would make a great show!
Elvis: Hey Jimmy, be a good boy and make me a peanut butter and banana sandwich.
Jim Morrison: Make it yourself "Aaron", ride the snake.
JFK: You two, er, uh, shutup. Elvis you know you're supposed to be on a low, er, uh, cholesterol diet. You're whinnier than Marylin when she realized I wasn't going to leave my wife.



You forgot Tupac.

Drillbit Taylor 10/10
August Rush 9/10
Into the Wild 7/10


"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." -- Carl Sagan


You're an idiot. The safe house is in Montana.


This is correct. And the only reason the gov still can make such things is because most people are too stupid – usually the kind of people who next come up with the "Elvis" thing, they are not able to think ahead of this preconcepts.

9/11 has enough proof of a conspiracy. But it does not even need it, just THINK! Who is the only one who really gains from it? US Arms companies and their related politicians – there you go!


Of course it needs that! Without proof, you're just making things up!


It's only convincing if you're a gullible moron. The vast majority of the crap in that "documentary" has been debunked thoroughly. Look it up. If that's convincing, then you're a complete fool.


But the debunking stuff itself has been debunked too...


"Anyone worth their salt KNOWS 9/11 was in actuality an American plot. Go watch 'Loose Change', the most convincing conspiracy documentary ever made."

Oh, I do love misplaced arrogance... :oD


which version of "loose change"? They have to keep changing it.


Oh my God. Regardless of the subject matter, or your stance on it, the Loose Change video is a sloppy piece of junk. The writing and production has no continuity, no logic, and loads of incorrect assumptions and outright misstatements.

It is really, really bad.


Bla bla bla...


NO Osama body
FAKE 'leaked' composite-photoshopped Osama dead body photos from Us NAVY SEALS.
No evidence EVER shown that Osama or friends did it (AFAIK). Never to court-of-law standard, anyway. Why not? I mean a nation does that in order to jail someone for a few years.
In order to kill thousands of people in war, a nation wouldn't check the facts properly, and publicly, FIRST? It wasn't like Afghanistan and it's route for a Trans-Asian GAS pipeline was going anywhere. It would have still been there to attack later-on...
Of course, Problem-Reaction-Solution as a method requires acting whilst the sheeple are scared and demanding the 'Solution' part of that equation (manipulation).
The USA needs to wake up. Those who hold guns against a corrupt government are NOT the problem and never were.
The problem is a corrupt government who holds guns against the people, and against the world, against innocents.
Ask Iranians. They never wanted more than to sell their own sovereign oil and take the profits for themselves. A 1953 Coup D'Etat by the UK/USA gave the West's thieving opinion on that human sovereign right of the Iranians. The 1979 Islamic Revolution would never have happened if it weren't for the West abusing Iran. Once again, people point the finger at Islam, but extremist Islam is just a SYMPTOM, a MIRROR for the abuses of the West.

Little girls and boys who think they're grown adults, driving their SUVs here in the West, without responsibility for these abuses done in their name for their oil, are too scared to face the truth, so will never listen to facts.

Those who live in the Middle East and who know REALITY, are vastly our superiors, just for this fact alone, all else being equal.


I just watched the pilot and I noticed that too. Kinda freaky, eh?


especially freaky when the show was about people labeled as conspiracy nuts.


Oh of course 9/11 was perpetrated by George W. Bush, and his Islamic minions... But wait, wasn't 9/11 planned several years in advance? And wouldn't that mean a Dumbocrat was in office?


lets see...who was in office a year and a half before 9/11?? And who is still in office while thousands of lives are being lost in Iraq for no reason...hmmmm....

mmm...this is a tasty burger!


Well 9/11 was an inside job, there is more proof for that than there is for it being the act of a bunch of muslim lunitics armed with box cutters wearing sandals...


true. It was the deed of a bunch of Muslim fanatics with elite training, military equipment and perfect planning.
Conspiracy theories might be fun, but concerning 9/11, any cited "evidence" for these is just ludicrous. What's true is that "Al Quaeda" didn't do it, simply because there is no such thing as an organization named "Al Quaeda". It's a loose connection of terrorist cells operating on contract. And these here worked for a certain Saudi with the initials O.b-L.
Just because someone actually managed to actually hurt America, people start saying "hey, we are invincible, it's impossible THEY did this to us - we are the only ones who could!". American egoism, I say. Very classic.


...who were funded by Pakistan's ISI, the head of which was in washington on 9/11. People don't believe in a conspiracy because they think "hey, we are invincible, it's impossible THEY did this to us" people belive in a conspiracy because of the overwhelming eveidence and the number of "coincidences" which point to the strong possibility of government fore-knowledge or complicity, do some research


I've done the research. I've watched the videos and still find it illogical that the goverment would kill thousands of innocent people just to start a war that would kill countless other innocent people. Call me stupid and ignorant for not believing in conspiracy theories, but I don't care. Like the videos on Youtube of small exposions inside the towers after the planes hit: The building was on fire with a gaping hole in the side of it, chances are something was exploding in there and it wasn't goverment planted bombs. The wings don't fit in the pentagon: there was even a video released of the plane hitting the building. How can you fight that.

Why is it so crazy that Terrorists attacked us? Why dig for something that isn't there?


Just take another look at that video of the pentagon attack and tell me where exactly you see a plane, because i've seen it many times and can't find a single 757 in that video, also how do you explain how WTC7 could have collapsed considering it wasn't hit by a plane? The only reason building7 could have collapsed is because, like the twin towers, building 7 was owned by Larry Silverstein, who by the way made a sweet little packet from the collapse of his insured buildings ($5 billion to be exact), lucky for some!


you're assuming that the government acts logically. in actuallity they are power-hungry maniacs. they only care about themselves and nobody else matters. that's why i find it plausible that 9/11 was US-sponsored. and just look around the world, and you'll see they've done it before and still do. the US actually funded bin Laden in afghanistan against the soviets. more recently, fatah al-islam in Lebanon was US supported to try to counter hizbullah, but that plan backfired.

so again it's easy to see why 9/11 was staged because while thousands may die a few manage to profit.



Dylan Avery is an idiot, like most conspiracy theories they use selective pieces of evidence to support just their theory yet leave out hundreds of other pieces of evidence that completely throws their theory out the window, if your just as easily gonna believe loose change watch Screw Loose Change aswell.


For the record, I never even watched loose change. It's just pretty obvious that this administration is evil.


i guess it's easier to hate something you never liked to begin with. you sound like the puritains. only instead of blaming everything bad on demons, it's bush, his administration, and the US. a ex cop sells his gun to a criminal who uses it to murder someone. does that mean that the state government funded or otherwise influenced the crime? are you aware that sometimes, stay with me here, people and groups can turn on funders? why, do you think, are they refered to as radicals? it's easier to believe (and simply more logical) than all this conspiracy bunk.


The American government started the war as an excuse to steal the "Philosopher's Legacy" so that they revive the "Patriots".

"When you get to hell, tell Satan his new assmonkey comes courtesy of Hayato Shingu"




I do believe and suspect that is one point on the "benefits list" they made before deciding to pull off this entire operation, yes..

"Gravity cannot be held responsible
for people falling in love.."


lmao awesome..yes MGS ROCKS


it's a lot harder to think for yourself actually than to be spoonfed lies. thus i am proud to hold my own opinion.


If its a black neighboorhood where that cop sold his piece it is.
ignorant blacks killing blacks is so convenient is it not?

"Gravity cannot be held responsible
for people falling in love.."


conspiracy idiots are so sad...

I actually do feel bad when I consider how empty and fearful their lives must be because they are stuck in their paranoid delusions, seeing bogeymen around every corner.


I am not a conspiracy theorist and I live in DC. The hole that was in the Pentagon didn't look like it came from a plane. I will say this though, one of the Elementary schools, that was on a plane that crashed (supposedly Pentagon), is in my neighborhood. One kid went to my barbershop another guy I went to college with was in the Pentagon and died. They're gone, but I don't see how that hole was made from a plane and none of the parking lot lamps where knocked down. If you saw the damage you would've thought it was a missile or a smaller plane.


Iota called the MIC!LOOK IT UP!!!
"Trees cause more pollution than automobiles." Ronald Reagan


You have that backward, people believe in conspiracies because they think we are invincible and that it is impossible for a disaffected lone nut to shoot the most powerful man in the world or for a bunch of 12th century barbarians to have one of their many attacks against the most advanced modern country in the world succeed.

Things like that shake up people's faith in their government and so they invent conspiracy theories to try and console themselves.

The more they look for dots to connect, the more they find, but they have to ignore a lot of other stuff for the conspiracy to make sense. When someone points out they are ignoring a lot of stuff to make their conspiracy theory make sense, they think they are being manipulated by CIA agents or some other alphabet conspiracy agency.

But the truth is almost always they are sad, disaffected loners with no real life. They think by bringing down the big conspiracy, they will make their lives have meaning. But there is no conspiracy so there is no meaning to get from there.

Some, like the writer of Behold a Pale Horse, end up getting themselves in situations where they actually do get negative attention of the authorities and get their meaning via suicide by law enforcement official.

It is very sad and very stupid. There are better ways to spend a life.

I love reading CT's but I have a rule, never, ever, under any circumstances believe in them. Especially if they are true.

What is easier to believe? That the writers and producers of The Lone Gunmen where in on some sort of US Government/12th Century Barbarian conspiracy? Or that the writers extrapolated from known facts and came up with what they thought was a darn good yarn to spin for a pilot episode?

OMG! I just found this great webiste looking up the Titanic/Titan conspriacy:


The Titanic was made out of metal. Metal is stronger than ice.


RE: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=af07

Thanks for that. I haven't laughed so hard all week!


You have that backward, people believe in conspiracies because they think we are invincible and that it is impossible for a disaffected lone nut to shoot the most powerful man in the world or for a bunch of 12th century barbarians to have one of their many attacks against the most advanced modern country in the world succeed.

Things like that shake up people's faith in their government and so they invent conspiracy theories to try and console themselves.

These people would rather believe the government would kill, injure and destroy the lives [mentally, physically and emotionally] of their own citizens than accept that a group of brown people successfully attacked America.


yes, trianedm uslims totaly explains why due to "heat" whole plane can incinerate but they can still find passports of the terrorist passengers.

"Common sense is not so common."
- Voltaire


if you don't know why we are fighting in Iraq then I'm afraid we know where the real ignorance lies.

Get your head out of the sand (or other place) and look at the real world.
We are fighting in Iraq to force those people to live in the 21st century for a change. I mean, really. If left to their own whims they'd all be back in the 7th century stoning people for adultery.

So if we have to knock them around alittle to shake them out of their purple haze so be it.

But in the meantime we have freed their women and minorities. That's something you'd think liberals would be jumping for joy over.
We always hear about how gays have no rights and women have no rights. So we have woken the Islamic world up to their barbaric attitudes, whether they like it or not.

And yes, we are also there to guarantee a stable flow of energy for everyone.
We can't live without energy (of all kinds) and having some crazy despot sitting on top of the world's largest petroleum stock pile doesn't keep that energy supply stable. So Saddam had to go. The fact that his people can't get along with their own neighbors isn't the U.S.'s doing. They are all just crazy over there.

So don't say you don't know why we are fighting over there.


I don't know why you replied to my comment. First off I said nothing about "not knowing why we're fighting over there." Second of all, what gives you the right (or anyone else for that matter...) to say that it was up to us in the first place to go over there and "wake up the Islamic world to their barbaric attitudes, whether they like it or not?" How would you like it if, say Russia or some other big country (China) invaded our country and told us they had a problem with the way we did things? (i.e. religion.)

And we're doing more than that. We (or more accurately the President) are killing thousands of our own people,(our troops)and innocent civilians, just because of the ideals of one man (again...our President.)

I'm like most people in this country. After 9/11 I whole heartily agreed that something drastic needed to be done. People needed to be held accountable for their actions. When President Bush said "I've directed the full resources of our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible and to bring them to justice." I was with the rest of the nation. I truly believed that he would do whatever it took to find those responsible for the attacks, and bring them to justice.

But what has happened? Honestly. We have been in a country for almost 5 years now. A country we have had no business to be in, in the first place. We have spent BILLIONS of dollars on this war, and made BILLIONS for all who invested in it. All the while killing thousands of people in the process. All because the beliefs of one man. One lie.

I could go on, and on about this all day. And I have before with others just like you. And nothing changes. Its just going to take something drastic to happen for you to finally realize the lie you've been living. Maybe another stock market crash, because our dollar isn't worth anything anymore. Or maybe you or someone you love will (God forbid) be in a terrible accident, and you won't be able to pay for it, because your insurance won't pay for it. Thats all I'm going to leave you with.

"Mmmhhhmm...This is a tasty burger!"


First off, people have countries so that they can live how they choose to, without interference from others. The fact still remains that going into a country to tell them how to live is invasion - an act of war. There is nothing to stop another country from doing the same to yours if they decide that *your people* are the barbarians. Yes, people are oppressed, which is evil - but some groups are rescued only at the expense of others.

And yes, we are also there to guarantee a stable flow of energy for everyone.
We can't live without energy (of all kinds) and having some crazy despot sitting on top of the world's largest petroleum stock pile doesn't keep that energy supply stable.

BUT this is supposed to be all about world capitalism! Capitalism means that you negotiate the best price you can. If you don't like the terms, you ask someone else. This so-called conservative cabinet preaches big business and global markets, but if they don't like your prices then they can just invade you and take it by force? Why not, then they make more jobs by cleaning up the countries they devastate. Just look at how much better Africa is doing now than it was 100 years ago... Well, it was obvious by the 1950s that countries of the middle east weren't going to be coerced so easily into doing business "our way, or else". Remember how it went 300-400 years ago when the rich countries of Europe started trying to "help the savages"? Their interest only really went so far as helping themselves to land, jewels, metals, artworks, and other trinkets. Oh yes, along with the frequent incidences of rape and murder. Once your people and conquered and harmless the media will wax nostalgic and you get your own museum.

I am not being cynical, as I see it. This is just how countries are. They broadcast far and wide how they are saving AreaX from themselves and their aweful fate by moving in and just enjoying some benefits on the side. If they were a "real country" they would do things the way we do. The way we want them to do. The way any decent person would. Also notice how it's not even real democracy until we approve of who runs the place. Sure, the US is really altruistic, it's just a coincidence that our country assassinates more politicians worldwide than any others do. The current administration does irk me, but that the public at large doesn't comprehend and learn from the lessons of history bothers me at least as much. Is it any wonder why the many are exploited by the few? Snap out of it.


Western civilization went through all of that, it's not wise to deny them this.
Its like pulling a baby out of a mothers belly 2 months early.
The real reason is because americans want foot on soil thats close enough to the things the west depends upon.

"Gravity cannot be held responsible
for people falling in love.."


lets see...who was in office a year and a half before 9/11??

March 11, 2000 = Bill Clinton

And who is still in office while thousands of lives are being lost in Iraq for no reason...hmmmm....

Barack Hussein Obama



No...it was really screwed up by a REPULSIVCAN.





The writers were shocked as well, they have talked about it in interviews.

King Kong Ain't Got Sh*t On Me!


Regardless of who was actually behind 9/11 - be it terrorists or government conspiritors - you can imagine them watching or hearing about this episode and going "Are they on to us?"



Wait... What?
I haven't seen any solid proof that US government officials were involved in planning and execution of 9/11 attacks. And I have seen Loose Chance. It's based on speculation and false conception of physics. The document about so called 'Moon landings conspiracy' had as much correct information.

Doesn't justify Iraq war though.
Seriously guys, if powerful governmental entity like US wanted to set up a terrorist attack, they would do better job with it. Skyscrapers are designed to go down with minimal chance of collateral damage.


Except for these skyscrapers weren't designed to come down. They didn't come down because of fire, there is something bigger that's missing. Most say bombs planted inside the building, believed to have been planted when the WTC was unexpectedly evacuated several times in the weeks leading up to 9/11.

I for one have to say that the Pilot of the Lone Gunmen & 9/11 is too big of a similarity to be a coincidence. It was freaky when I saw the episode. Since the episode claims that Scenario 12-D was just a war game to increase arms sales. Well 9/11 was just an excuse for us to invade the Middle East and they (the government) knew we would all go along with it. There is believed to be "another 9/11" before next year's election so that Georgey Boy can assume Martial Law. (See Hitler & Reichstag Fire)



Yes of course they are. Why not? And I suppose they are built with a special kind of steel that just crumbles away to nothing. I'll believe anything me, just like you and your damned country.
You see massive buildings collapse into barely anything and you believe whatever half-arsed explanation that's thrown your way, just so you dont have to think for yourselves, and yes you deserve all you WILL get.



Lots of stuff on the 911 conspiracy.


I haven't seen any solid proof that US government officials were involved in planning and execution of 9/11 attacks.

When I think about it, I haven't seen any proof at all, period. Beyond who actually flew the planes we actually know very little. This is what the public should be asking the media, but rarely do. What do we actually know, what actual evidence? We were told that the evidence was secret, and that military action was going to be taken anyway. Maybe I'll use that tactic in the courtroom next time I decide to sue someone.

"Sorry, Your Honor, yes there is evidence. But it is secret and circumstances prevent me showing it to anyone. As a result, I am required to kill the defendant at this time, but I'll let you watch."


The first attack against the WTC was launched in 1992, during the trial of the attack of '92 the possibility of an attack with an aeroplane was mentioned and last but not least: the preparations for 9/11 was a matter of years.

Why shouldn't writers and terrists come to similar ideas? You also miss the fact that the terrorists tried to attack not only an economic symbol of the US but also the a military (Pentagon) and a political (we don't know the target of the fourth plan but most likely the White House or the Unites States Capitol) one.

Ich bin kein ausgeklĂĽgelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer


I haven't seen any of these conspiracy movies...however if it was a conspiracy don't you think they would have been sure to get better footage of it. "They", whoever that may be, would have ensured that they had the best, irrefutable evidence available for the public. That way they wouldn't have to deal with a pesky thing like dissent. The fact that you can't see a plane in the pentagon tape is in a bizarre way perhaps the best proof that it was not a conspiracy.


I got to meet Bruce Harwood & Tom Braidwood at Dragon*Con last month and they did talk about that. The mention that some of the people assocated with the show were talked to by the FBI soon after 9/11. They also mention that they don't buy into crazy conspiracy theories. They talked about the fact that the WTC was a logical target for the writers to use, as it was the site of the first Mid East terrorist strike on US soil back in 93. Braidwood put it best when he said that when given the choice between a perfectly executed conspiracy or just incompetence on the part of the government he tends to go with incompetence. The also mentioned that they were shocked that the ep even ended up on the DVD, as was I.



Unbelievable. I know there's no arguing with you and I'll get dissed, but anyway:
1) Freedom of speech only applies to US Citizens?
2) You sound like a guy who loves comment about Hitler - I'm not even sure if pro or con - according to your logic, you have no right to comment on him.
3) What the US is doing is affecting the whole world, not just the US, so I think I can have an opinion about that. The US these days is like the Roman empire, only they conquer countries economically. I don't complain, it's just the way it is - but feeling like a member of a "satellite state" (Germany) I will say my two cents, and here it is:

I have no idea what really happened at 9/11. There's a lot of evidence that the US government was involved, and have no illusions about the lack of morality of people in power. On the other hand it is really gruesome to think that a government would actually plan an operation like that from scratch - it's beyond evil. And why would Bin Laden claim responsibility for the attacks if he wasn't involved? That's one thing I don't buy - that Bin Laden and Bush are working together. Maybe he jumped on the wagon to start his holy war, but why didn't he turn it around and accused the US of the whole thing to discredit the Islam? That could have made him a martyr, earn respect from non-islams and rally his brothers as well. No, I think Bin Laden planned the thing, and the US allowed it to happen, meaning they knew about it, maybe even helped a little, and used it for their own agenda (for example the kidnappers of the planes seemed to be incompetent to fly them, so who did? The pilot? Why should he steer into a tower where he will die so he doesn't get a bullet in his head?).


Alex Jones has been working to expose the government coverup on 911.

Go to infowars.com



Yes, it was the WTC. John Byers even came to the same conclusion when he was on the phone (in the plane) with Langly and Frohike..its kinda freaky, isnt it? Classic case of Life imitating art,...or is it?


The WTC had previously been a target, and as a great American icon, a symbol of all that is "good" about the western way of life it was going to continue to be a target. So it is not surprising that it turned up on a show about conspiracy. But I have to say that watching the show again now on DVD you do get a little chill. That nagging little voice that says "What if?" Then again maybe that's just good writing........................



The plane that was being hijacked took off from Boston.


If I remember back in 1993 wasn't there a bombing in the WTC buildings? I would imagine ground security would be tighter, so it would make sense to go air for terrorism. The buildings are iconic and represents American capitalism. It make sense to go after the WTC buildings since you would have more casualties and send a bigger message to the American public.

It is not a conspiracy. It just makes common sense.
