fake Alba nude scenes???
I'm just wondering...
And the stand-in for Alba is Ariane Jayasuriya...
I'll be sad if i'm right :p
I'm just wondering...
And the stand-in for Alba is Ariane Jayasuriya...
I'll be sad if i'm right :p
Sherard Jayasuriya is second assistant director on the Sleeping Dictionary film.
Who is Ariane Jayasuriya ???? Is that his wife then ?
Just wonder, if it is so, then it might be as you say. Otherwise someone must got Sherard Jayasuriya and the name Ariane Jayasuriya mixed up. But then again...... How in the hell could a guy be a stand in for Jessica Alba :)
Perhaps she may have used a double for when her breast were suppose the be viewed, but how about when the camera is focused on her back? Would she have a double because her back is visable during the love scenes?
shareShe could only have used the double during the 2 shots where her (well, not really her) breasts are shown as these are the only ones where her face is not shown. When her back is to the camera or when any "nude" shot was filmed where her breasts aren't shown she would be wearing some kind of stick-on covers. If you watch the last part of the love scene where she starts to get up to get dressed, if you look between her left arm and her side/back, you can see the edge of one such cover. Personally, I think if she wasn't going to do the nude scenes, they shouldn't have bothered "faking" them. They should have just left the parts that Jessica did do in and not have any bare breasts, atleast they wouldn't be misleading people. Or, if they absolutely needed to have some bare breasts in the movie, they should have cast someone for the role who wouldn't mind doing a nude scene.
shareAlba will never do a nude scene? ARGH!
But the butt shot in Idle Hands will do it for me every time.
Come on Guys can we PLEAS stop this discusion :/ it´s inbarssing. I liked the movie alot, but i sure hell did not watch it for her titts.
lol... Yes, I think all straight men are. And if they're not, they should be.
I check out most of her work. Not because she's such a great actress, but because she's so damn hot.. :)
You guys r really sick. And What are u talking bout, have u seen the Dark Angel series lately? Then u cant tell me that she ain't a good actress.
shareyoure speling iz inbarssing
I agree with you! I personally would not be bothered by seeing her breast, but if she didn't want to exhibit her breast on the screen, then perhaps they should just point the camera in a different angle, and show her bared back in place of those scenes that would uses a body-double!
shareI was sure that it wasn't her when I saw the film because as one of you stated, it never showed her face and her breasts at the same time. Although I agree it would be great to see her nude because she is the best looking actress around, I have to respect her for not doing the scene, but they really shouldn't have had breasts in the scene at all because some people wouldn't catch on that it is fake and they'll go telling everyone that she did a naked sex scene.
shareThe movie was good. i heard this movie off of a friend telling me that jessica alba showed her breasts in this movie. but yea, it is a fake, but all in all, its worth watching this movie, if your a pervert or not. plus this movie really uses the right language. not made up. i also liked jessica alba's accent. she really captured it. Good Acting.
I really doubt most people even know it's not her real body in the scenes. We're like the 20-30% that know the truth so realisticlly people THINK it was her in the scenes. I just don't understand what's the difference cause you're still seen naked even though it's not really your body. She has already given the audience an image of her naked and so she might as well just do a real nude scene...otherwise, I see the use of this body double as not being a true actress.
shareIt's ridiculous actually, if the actress doesn't wanna do story related nude scenes, after all, she is a sleeping dictionary, then they should hire an actress that would.
This movie started well, but after his marriage, I thought the movie was going to end, it is really hard to find a movie so exhausting with only 1hr40mins, after that, it just keep playing a boring and wold sappy love conquers all love story full of emotions, like the english in charge.
Too bad it wasn't her, it is so ridiculous to make fake nude scenes, then again, she probally doesn't have good looking breasts like her double.
yeah, I saw in E! News Live too she speaking in the set of one of her movies that she didn't do nudity because she thought about her future husband and children and some garbage like that... what an idiot girl, now is the time to start taking pictures and making movies while everything is "up", anyway, she doesn't have much to offer other than her looks, she will probally fade away over time, you almost don't hear about her anymore, unless you are a fan.
yeah she has said she wont ever do a nude sceane so it probley a tit double
Does anyone know how to work a teleport/invisibility spell? x-ray vision doesn't hurt either but i don't want it to be so strong that all i see are bones.
sharelf she ever had to do another nude scene, she would get someone with a really good body and so everyone would think that it was hers...
Yeah and they could just CG her head to the body double and make it look like shes doing the nude scene herself!!
Hmm, I guess she could have had a stand in. I mean, they don't really show her face when they show her nude.
sharewell, having actually seen SIN CITY, i can tell you her character is a pretty big letdown all around.. she doesn't ruin the movie, but she is way too mediocre to be in the film.. much like madsen .. i swear that guy was reading from the script when they shot him and they just CG'd it out.
- www.therightclique. com -
I read in an important article today that a lot of nude scenes in films aren't actually performed by the actress, even if they are credited for the boobs used. It had a never before scene list of which ladies owned which boobs, and I looked up this one. It turns out that the boobs you see in here actually belong to Sandra Bernhard. sorry for the news
shareAccording to IMDB, it was "Arianne Yurakuri .... body double" You're pretty close for a guess!
Some very kind soul has posted a screen grab at http://board.madoshi.com/showthread.php?t=23413&page=4; on the same page is a link to an mpeg of one of the love scenes. Enjoy ;-)
Whoever said "If yah've seen two, yah've seen 'em all" is a nut case.
Speech is conveniently located midway between thought & action, where it often substitutes for both
Learn from Charlize and Angelina, they set a good example for rising stars like Alba - STRIP, let go of yourself, do the best you can, and you're goddess.
shareThis thread is the most hilarious overanalysis ever.
This is fail.
You can all cease the arguments, I have resolved everything. I have conducted extensive visual examinations of an actual shot of Jessica's nips (www.big-boys.com/pictures/picture1133.html) and compared it with the screen shots from the above link. After many draining hours of intense scrutiny, I have concluded that there is a 92.6% chance that these are in fact the same breasts. Jessica's poor attempt to claim that she doesn't do nude scenes is untrue - my professional advice for her at this point would be to run with this and do as many all nude, wild sex scenes as possible. Pretty pleeeease?
It has been quite an interesting topic so far as the argument of whether the nude scene in the movies was real or not. I positively believe that they were not real....why?? refer to http://www.funfry.com/showphoto.php/photo/833/cat/569
If you believe those tits in that photos are hers then they were not hers in the movie, because they are completely different. Check it out and see yourself.
Kenvin Lai, that has to be the worst fake I've ever seen... tell me you weren't gullible enought to think that was an actual authentic picture of Alba. Don't waste our time with untruths and deception - wait, didn't Alba do that with her body double anyway?? Nevermind. Just... nevermind!
"Aaawwwww, what's in the box? What the f#@k's in the f#@king box??"
That wasn't Jessica's breasts and it's a fact that she doesn't do nudity scenes. Earlier this year (06), she sued PLAYBOY MAGAZINE for making false claims on the cover that they had nude pictures of her, (all they actually had were pictures of her from INTO THE BLUE or whatever that movie was with paul walker).The reason PLAYBOY MAGAZINE did this was because they knew that Jessica never did any nude scenes and claming that they had nude photos of her would be a first and many people want to see her naked. There may have been "accident pictures" where more than her normal amount of flesh was shown while modeling when she was younger but she doesn't do any nude scenes. Personally its refreshing to find an actress that works more on skills and relies less on her body for gaining acting roles. She's talked on previous talk shows saying she doesn't want to show any nudity so that her husband will not feel uncomfortable with her, her kids will not have pictures of their naked mom on porn sites or on certain movies, and obviously this shows she has her priorities straight. Family comes first to her and that is something to be admired when many other hollywood stars are willing to do anything to get parts in films. She's a classy actress that needs to be recongnized for her talent and not critized because she will not resort to lowering herself to a level many other stars have. Nudity is not acting, its a cheesy way to draw (normally male) viewers and in most cases is unnecessary.Oh, and there were plenty of other nude women in SIN CITY, I highly doubt that just because Jessica wouldn't get naked on the film, it would of made that big of a difference. And actually the film was a hit with many audiences, they are planning on filming a second one. FYI
shareI assure you, I am positive the nude scene was done by a body double. If I tell you how I know, nobody will ever believe me so I might as well just say nothing about it.
share"If it quacks like a duck and it waddles like a duck, IT'S A DUCK!!"
If they look like her breasts and appear to be on her body, then as far as the world is concerned she has done a nude scene. When she says "I will never do a nude scene" she means "They have to pay me a lot more than what has been offered to do a nude scene.
Silly little girl needs to wake up to herself. Now that she has used a body double, most producers will be happy to go that way in future and never offer the money she wanted.
I believe that alba didnt do a nude scene because of info I found out and that she stated she woouldnt do one, but she has already used a double in other movies, so why wouldn't she use it in this movie?
I have never understood why an actress would take a role that required nudity and than refuse to do it. If she is not comfortable with being naked on screen simply pass on the role and let someone who is a little more confident in themselves play the part. Sleeping Dictionary was the first time that this happened to a film that she was in, Sin city was the second and both filmaker's handled it differently. Sleeping used a very obvious body double and Sin City simply kept her fully dressed regardless of how the scene should be played (Her role in Sin City was supposed to be a stripper not a go-go dancer) and both films suffered as a result.
The fact is that there are alot of films that don't call for nudity and Miss Alba should seek them out rather than making more edgy material be watered down to suit her. I don't mean to bash her, I think she can have a successful career doing films like Fantastic Four/Into the Blue and perhaps some light romantic comedies but save the darker material to those who do not force their own morality on the roles that they play.
"pack of monkeys in my pocket,
my sisters ready to go"
Dude how the *beep* did Sin City suffer from not having nudity.....your a sad sad man whos never gonna get laid if you think a movie suffers cuz theres no tits in it.
Sin City was an artistic master piece so obviously deheor your a moron.
"Dude how the *beep* did Sin City suffer from not having nudity.....your a sad sad man whos never gonna get laid if you think a movie suffers cuz theres no tits in it.
Sin City was an artistic master piece so obviously deheor your a moron"
Wow you are something special my dim friend.
First off Sin City is not an artistic masterpiece. It was a pretty good movie but nothing extraordinary. Get a grip and try to keep things in perspective. Secondly the movie did have nudity 'moron' unless of course your parents edited out those scenes before they let you watch it. It was used only when appropriate with the exception of the Alba storyline where it was logical but was dropped because of a actor's vanity. Now on with my point which amazingly you failed to comprehend despite having it spelled out quite clearly in the previous post which is movies require a certain degree of realism. If the fact that an evil child rapist/murderer who has finally caught up with the one girl who both got away and helped lead to his disfigurement would be nice enough to let the young woman keep her cloths on while he beat her does not seem out of character to you than you apparently were not paying very close attention to the 'masterpiece'. If the fact that she was playing a stripper who never actually removed any clothing does not seem out of place than again you are just choosing to ignore logic to make your pathetic argument work. As I clearly stated (though apparently you choose to ignore it) There are lots of roles that do not require nudity. An actress who does not want to disrobe can select any of them. There is no reason for someone who is not comfortable with their body selecting a role that calls for more than they are willing to give. Its that simple. If you thought about it for a moment you might say it is logical. Any movie with obvious body doubles or characters who stay dressed when it in no way suits the situation suffers from these false moments. They are artificial and distract from the film. If you can't understand that then apparently you have far lower standards than I. As for you comment about sex, grow up Junior.
"I know I shouldn't be asking you this. I'm up a tree with this guy. I mean...Man!"
hey Dumbass! she didn't play a stripper, she played a Dancer, big difference moron! next time pay attention to the scene/club and figuire out why buddy didn't "get her naked" he wasn't only after her, he wanted to torture Bruce Willis' character!
shareSo you have had an account for three years and never responded to a message until you find one that's three months old, buried in the middle of a thread of a pretty obscure movie, and you choose to reply with absurd levels of hostility that goes far beyond any logical response. Interesting.
Look, I'm sorry but I have to ask you something buddy, whose little sock puppet are you? Usually I just consider the boards I am on and just let this type of silliness slide but this can't go unmentioned. Obviously you are not a legitimate poster so I am curious about who is hiding behind your whiney little mask. It was a nice try though. Next time you might consider just casually agreeing with your previous post rather than your unprovoked flying off the handle. That could make it a little less noticeable. Perhaps you should bring in another puppet to confirm that synesaels is a real poster. That might work. Loser.
And by the way Sparky, the character was naked in the book. There was also a nude scene in the original script but it was dropped because she did not feel comfortable. Of course, if she just wanted comfort she could have picked a script that did not require nudity but hey, that's just logical.
"I know I shouldn't be asking you this. I'm up a tree with this guy. I mean...Man!"
I know it too it's not important to me, but how I know isn't the same secret as Adams it's in the cast a crew listing on this site for heavens sake she was Arianne Yurakuri!!!
I am sure that Jessica Alba is doing OK on the cash front if she choses to keep her clothes on it's her call. I've listened to a few commentaries with her in and she seems very set not to show too much flesh. It's her call. It didn't add to or detract from the movie for me which was mildly entertaining and she came out of it with one her better performances in my opinion.
and not pink! LOL
you guys know that when alba is doin modelling, there is sort of a nip slip?
its her breasts dudes.,. you'l get to see it 1 way or the other.,.just enjoy the movie.,.
Her you go people. Please enjoy it
yep she'll never do nude.