Isn't it from 2001?

correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't this movie from 2001? i was looking on a couple of other sites where its date of release was said to be 2001. and looking at jessica alba i'd rather agree with this date...



NO it isn't, because at that time she was filming the Dark Angel series,she couldn't possibly film between a small amount of time, less than a year. You can't do 3 movies in 2 years,k? And Dark Angel is not a movie, it is a series which takes longer. So Sleeping Dictionary have been delayed if that was really the release date.



Where did you come up with the idea that an actor or actress wouldn't be able to do three movies in two years?
She did three movies to be this year alone(Sin City, Fantastic Four, and Into the Blue). And regarding filming movies while being in a series, Sarah Michelle Gellar did a number of movies during the run of Buffy.
For that matter, many series (I don't know if DA was done like this) don't involve filming for a much longer period of time than a typical season, which leaves a few months a year where the actors involved are free to do other work, along with spare time during the filming of the series.



Regarding when it was filmed, yahoo movies Greg's previews has it listed as being filmed starting in May 2000. Dark Angel premiered in October 2000. So she really started on Dark Angel after this was filmed, but they might have shot that (record-budgeted) pilot episode before this was filmed.


I feel like i saw it back in 2000
