MovieChat Forums > Bully (2001) Discussion > It wasn't Marty's child.

It wasn't Marty's child.
If this is true at all, then it turns out that the child Lisa kept telling people was Marty's was actually Bobby's child after all. I don't know everything that happened in real life concerning Lisa telling people it was Marty's rather than Bobby's, but I'm kinda shocked for some reason.
It's a girl...

I know how it all played out in the movie, but I wonder if Lisa went out of her way to tell people Marty was the father in real life.
If you treat a girl like a dog, she's going to piss on you


In the movie, she told her friends she was pregnant, and they told her it may have been Bobby's, since she had sex with both. But because she was in love with Marty, she believed it was his.


in the scene where bobby hits her and says "my turn"

Did he want sex with Marty or Lisa
and where they having a threesome already. I mean he was naked in the bathroom.


Lisa. I don't think bobby had sex with men.


Was the gay stuff just a hustle for money then?


Yes. He pimped Marty at the gay club. And remember the video of the guy "pleasuring" himself? Bobby told Lisa he was going to sell it.


I don't know - I think it was implied Bobby had bisexual tendencies.

It wasn't "just a hustle" for him - he had real sexual attraction towards men - at least the Bobby in the movie did - whether or not the one in real life did - who knows.

But a few clues: 1.) When Marty and Lisa are having sex, he keeps lustfully looking back at Marty, as if he needed to, to get a hard-on for his BJ from Ali.

2.) The way he was talking to Marty about liking dancing for the gay guys - Marty was ike "I don't like that *beep* and he was ike *beep* boy, you enjoyed htat, I know you did, you ain't gotta lie to me boy." This was clearly him taking his own insecurities and feelings out towards Marty.

3.) WHen he made Ali wathc the gay porn before he *beep* her. Again - implied he needed to watch it to help him get hard to *beep* her.

4._ Watching his gay porn creation gleefully, and showing it to fat Derek.


Yeah I definitley think there is a little truth to that but he definitley didn't need to see a guy to get an erection. He screwed Ali at the dunes the first time they tried to kill him when it was just the two of them and Lisa.

Also I remember watching a different documentary then the one that recently came out and it was kind of implied that they made that tape as a venture into selling pornography, as Bobby thought it would sell big, he even had a title which escapes me at the moment. They did a lot of this stuff on drugs to be able to buy more drugs. I almost feel like in the movie they were trying to show the experimentation with sex, drugs, violence and pushing the envelope as often happens with older teenagers in many different ways.

As far as what Bobby Kent's sexual orientation or preference was, sadly we will never know or understand anything more about him because those sociopathic druggies murdered him. He never got the chance to get better or even realize he needed to. He was the one that was graduating high school and going
to college.

