Bobby deserved it

Not for bullying Marty but come on this guy was a rapist. No matter what problems he may have had with his sexuality or how slutty Ali was, it does not excuse rape. Sorry but this guy was a scumbag. Why did Donnie get life in prison? This guy was almost never sober at all, surely the court should've got him some help for that.


Just because someone cries rape doesn't mean it really happened. Have you even read about the actual real story? Read the autopsy report. Read about all of their back stories. They were all trashy, drugged up liars.



Yes, but how is it confirmed? From the killers telling their stories to family members and friends. All I'm saying is that just because someone says something happened it doesn't necessarily mean that its true. (And yes I know that could go for the link down there, too.)

Read this, make sure to read the comments from other people too:

I'm computer illiterate so I don't know how to make it clickable, sorry. This isn't the first time I've heard stories of the real Marty, either. I'm not saying that Bobby wasn't a bully, too. I'm sure he was to an extent. Birds of a feather and all that. But, a rapist? I wouldn't believe anything to come out of Ali's skanky mouth. If someone raped me then I would call the police and stay far away from the man. I know some women don't want to have the rape victim label or are scared to go to the police but would they really go back for more? And willingly have sex with the person as part of some master revenge plan?

Have you read the book? What a bunch of sick kids. I live in Florida and go down to that area sometimes during the summer. Its crazy seeing how these young kids run wild (I just sounded so old). Middle school aged kids out late at night smoking in front of stores in their bikinis. Teenagers sleeping under the boardwalk at night (teens with cell phones, new normal looking clothes (not homeless), tattoos - so they obviously have money).


I'm not justifying what they did. They deserved to go to prison. But whether rape was involved or not Bobby was still a scumbag who probably would've ended up doing worse things. Wasn't there proof that he threatened to smother Ali's baby if she didn't have sex with him again? And that Bobby molested Marty?


the rape was not even his worst most subhuman crime, if you read the book...his cruelty towards retarded people, one incident in particular, usually with idiot Marty in tow, and probably even his behavior with the gay man they attempted to make an idiotic amateur-hour gay porn vid with, far shades his rape of Ali, imo..

Ali is a very hardened prostitute and very sexually active, a pretty tough little nut, and is at least well equipped to handle a incident like that if it has to happen to anyone.

I agree that his removal was warranted and justified..but how it was done set a new standard for criminal incompetence at every level, so everybody's life got ruined to just rid the world of one steroid-bloated sadistic lowlife Iranian dirtbag..
