
Wow do these kids really not care about their life?? Like Lisa doesn't even care about getting pregnant she still smokes and drinks. Bobby is clearly gay. They act like its mandatory to have sex at least 10 times a day...I have no idea why the camera allows zooms in on Alie's we know its the source of all evil.but thanks for the visual..this movie reminds of the movie Kids from the 1990s only like a Florida version lol


It is the same director as KIDS!


Yeah, I figured that.


cuz its based off true story

I dont need a disclaimer to get into heaven. I know Ive made mistakes, I dont need to be saved. -MIW


Like you said, they're kids. You expect them to have sense?


Yes,I had common sense as a teenager. But, I guess common sense for some is not a common virtue.


Bobby is clearly gay.

So there's something wrong with being gay, isn't it?


he was actually middle-eastern..his second name "Kent" was not the families real original was Khayyam..

you know, I think they sort of have the paradoxical Prison-style philosophy on male homosexuality..

they will usually hit you in the butt as soon as look at you, but then,actual gay people get lynched in the middle-east and the same guys who just eagerly got you to pull a train for them and their buds,

...will then tie the rope around your neck or help the mob stone you to death because they hate queers and believe God does too..


lol@ mandatory to have sex at least 10 times a day

he left u NAKED in a DITCH!
