MovieChat Forums > Bully (2001) Discussion > How exactly did Bobby 'rape' Ali?

How exactly did Bobby 'rape' Ali?

She was a drug-addicted promiscuous shady girl, who had offered sex to numerous dudes. I mean, I *beep* hated Bobby, and Marty had every right to want him out of his own existence.. but how was Ali's revenge justified? She knew from the start that Bobby was bad news, but still opened her legs to him. It's not like she was an innocent girl in a back-alley minding her business and got sexually attacked by a stranger. She gave her full consent. It pisses me off how girls do that, especially when it comes to court of law. And the idiotic feminists who back them up. Ah, gotta love double standards, yea?


I agree he did rape her, but there are problems with the absolutist feminist definition of rape. Do you give early parole or a plea-bargain deal to the guy who kidnaps a woman at knife point and violently rapes and beats her half to death just you can make space in the legal system, so you can prosecute EVERY young guy who doesn't stop in the middle of sex when a girl sudden;y says no. You do have to take circumstances into account.

Bobby was a creep, but Ali was an even bigger creep, so you can't expect anybody to have much sympathy towards her.


This was not in the MIDDLE of sex, Laz. She was disgusted as soon as she saw the video and he got violent then and forced himself on her.


Pretty sure she said stop and he didn't. You need a dictionary.


explained in the book...their first encounter was rape, she went there figuring on having sex with him, sure, that he was hot,that was a little weird even was cool by her, so was she... and her buddy was totally into his friend Marty, Ali went there, macking with Bobby, it would have been no problem normally,
but then something changed her mind..
the two idiots had begun making gay porn videos, completely ineptly anyway, but Bobby was very proud of their effort 'Roughboys" starring a third gay man they had met at a bar and exerted control over...they thought they were going to be gay porn producer lords, had offered their first effort 'roughboys" to porn was so badly made, and contained only one 'actor" anyway, none of the porn dealers were even interested..but they, bobby and idiot Marty, still thought it was the shyt and always showed it to friends dates etc..
Bobby began playing the vid as he made out with was so foul, that even though she was a sex-obsessed skank anyway, it put her off and she told him to quit...he then overpowered her and fkd her anyway.
That's how I recall it...I was reading the book just yesterday.


Um, she was resisting. Yeah, sluts can get raped too.




She didn't tell him to stop clearly. She should have made it clear that she wanted him to stop.

I mean this kind of rough sex is what some people are into. If she didn't like it, she should have tried more to stop him.

I am not saying Bobby was blameless, but she should have made it more clear.




She said stop. He didn't.
