How do HP fans rate this movie?

Is this a well liked installment in the franchise?


Movie fans, or book fans?

We book fans, of course, think the book is better.






Overall, as a movie, I love it. I watched it maybe a month ago. I love it. Read the books as they came out, saw each movie a couple times in theater.

As an adaptation, it is what it is. Anyone who reads the books and watches the movies (of really any franchise) knows that things are going to be missing or altered. As usual, I understand the choices, but still lament some of them (PEEVES!)

As it stands in comparison to the rest of the series. Least favorite. And I saved this bit for last, so you can see from above I am a fan and do love it and am not bashing it. However. There are series like Scream, which are more episodic as opposed to serialized. I love the Scream sequels, but that's a series where the original will always be my favorite. In other series, like Harry Potter, the first is often my least favorite for the simple-fact that it's so much exposition and world-building.
