MovieChat Forums > Serendipity (2001) Discussion > To all those who love this movie...

To all those who love this movie...

... do yourself a favor and watch the movies "Before sunrise" and its sequel "Before sunset", two movies with a very similar plot but much better written.

My problem with serendipity is that I couldn't get their infatuation, it seemed too fast, the script did not elaborate the dialogue between the two characters... it therefore seemed more like a physical type of attraction than a true bonding, a true connection between two people.

Anyways, if you love Serendipity, you are going to ADORE BEYOND REASON "Before sunrise" and "Before sunset". If I am not mistaken there is even a third sequel which is soon to appear on screen at the cinema, called "Before midnight", and I just can't wait to see it.

Im a queen b!tch!


There is a new movie that goes with the first two you listed.... Before Midnight


Sorry but you're wrong. Watched Before Sunrise recently and watched Serendipity (again) now. I enjoyed Before Sunrise but for cheer your self up yearly repeat viewing it has to be Serendipity. Also - Kate Beckinchsale.


They are both beautiful stories about relationships and love but I think they are quite different from each other. The Before Sunrise (trilogy) is unique in its film style and dialogue. It's an honest depiction of two people who've just met, spend an entire day together and fall a little bit in love. Before they leave each other they decide to challenge their feelings for each other because of their awareness of real life relationship issues (distance, time, etc.). It's more about the individual characters and their interaction. It's about the doubt, fears, and hopes that comes with every new relationship... It follows their conversations in one day, and it's a lot more real.

Serendipity is more like a fairy tale. It's an obvious fiction, a romantic comedy, done so well and beautifully that you can't help but believe in the 'happy ending' possibilities of love.

I love both films but I can't imagine everyone that loved Serendipity will love the Before Sunrise trilogy.


I agree with you, huwdj. I don't like many romantic comedies, but I've watched Serendipity several times, and like it much better than the Sunrise/Sunset films.

