
It seems people like the comedy in this movie. I just watched it, and I really liked the movie. I rate it 4/5, 7/10

But there was no comedy in the movie. There was not one moment that I even thought I was expected to laugh.

So.. what comedy?


It IS a comedy. Well, sort of. And for the record i laughed out loud several places. But it is not a comedy in the classic sense. It is a smarter, more suave, kind of comedy. It has got a different class and style than other comedies.


Oh my! I thought the hospital scene was hilarious when they told him to stay in the van and he went in anyway and screwed everything up.


a) There was a lot of comedy.
b) How the hell is a 4/5 a 7/10? 4 divided by 5 is 0.8 i.e. an 8/10.


Horror Reviews, News & Tidbits:


Coz i didn't bother with decimal points, just did a scale conversion in my head. So it would be a low 4, if you will.


A low four is still an 8/10. It takes a lot to realize that 3.5/5 = 7/10? It's just doubling it. I weep for the school system from whence you came.


Horror Reviews, News & Tidbits:


Weep for your literary skills instead. Go read the post again, and try not to be a smart ass about it.


Are you attacking grammar? Because my post was perfect. Unless you're just being dim and don't know what the word "whence" means.


Horror Reviews, News & Tidbits:


No, go read MY post again. You know, the subject matter...

But don't worry, you win. Peace.


Yes, you said you didn't "bother with decimal points" because you didn't want to do calculations. Clearly you're stupid, but too stupid to figure out that a 7/10 equates to a 3.5/5? Actually, I believe you're that stupid, never mind.


Horror Reviews, News & Tidbits:


I think there is just a communication problem here. The Original post said 4/5, 7/10. Nothing there saying they were equal. Later, he said he didn't bother with decimal points, which is why he gave the estimation of "4/5, 7/10" which would translate into something near those two values. Had he bothered with decimal points, he wouldn't have needed to put both values, as I doubt he assumed anyone would be laying awake at night wondering what 3.5/5 would equal out of 10, or what 7/10 would equal out of 5.

However, from reading your previous posts, I doubt you'll admit you're wrong and will instead attempt a personal attack on me, as you are anonymous and therefore there is no risk.

Now you might not, just to prove me wrong, which you apparently enjoy attempting to do online.

Either way, enjoy yourself.


And my point was that he's either stupid or lazy to "not bother with decimal points" just like you're clearly just another keyboard hero who has to stick his ignorance where it's not wanted or needed simply to exacerbate a problem that has been clearly dead for three weeks.


Horror Reviews, News & Tidbits:


What, are you guys doing the "Turk and Virgil" routine here? You read like they talk in the "balloon boy" scene or something!


Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


Sorry, your post wasn't "perfect." Although there are a number of violators of the principle (including Shakespeare and the King James Bible), and Webster's considers it an acceptable though secondary formulation, literary purists consider "from whence" to be redundant, since whence means "from where." The better way to phrase your original point would be "... the school system whence you came."



Ah, the wonders of internet anonymity, where idiots feel comfortable acting as the idiots they are instead of using the civilized face they put on in public when they are identifiable.

Based on a review of your previous postings, with the grammatical and punctuation irregularities therein, I'm very hopeful you didn't pay more than $19.95 to the online diploma mill whence you received your master's degree. If you paid a penny more than that, you were cheated and should demand a refund.

If you'd like to improve, you're welcome to enroll in any of the graduate writing classes I teach.

Reply if you wish with your best ad hominem attack, but expect no response. I participate in civilized discourse, but have little time for snark. Life is too short to waste it on wastrels.

Best wishes.


u seriously need to get laid


a rating on one scale doesnt mean that on a scale double the original, the rating is in turn doubled...its as much a pshycological...woul you give something you gave 800/1000 a 4/5...even though it might not be mathematically correct you might be more inclined to give it 900...


It was definitely light-hearted and didn't take itself too seriously.


Back to the comedy in the movie, let's see, there was Basher's last minute realization of the possible side effects the pinch posed to his marbles, Basher in deep... sewage, casino security confronting the rc van and getting spewed with pamphlets that solicited spewing of a different sort (a fake-money money shot, if you will), Yen getting all PO'ed at Danny and Linus when they entered the vault, Danny and Linus overlooking a simple thing like batteries for their super duper tech triggering device, Saul's long lost pal from Saratoga, Benedict's complete obliviousness to the long thin rigid object lodged in his lower intestine for the duration of the story, Turk and Virgil with cars, Turk and Virgil with balloons, Turk and Virgil getting too touchy-feely for Linus' comfort, Turk and Virgil yadayadayada, the Bruiser who wasn't, Rusty stuffing his face, Rusty furthering the moral decay of teen idols, Linus' latent racism, Frank's finely honed talent for haggling, and the general witty banter evidenced throughout. There's probably more to laugh at, but the one thing that got no chuckle from me was Rusty's doctor shtick. That's where I drew the line.

Paranoia will destroya!


This was a hilarious movie. I just bought it on iTunes and labeled it as a comedy. Did the same for Out of Sight, Jackie Brown and Fargo.
