Where exactly was Melody planning on going?
She takes a boat out on the ocean, but anyone smart (frustrated teenage rage or not) would have some destination in mind. Atlantica might have been a good place, but even with her uber breath-holding skills, no WAY she would be able to stay alive and swim down there. And since she's never met Morgana before, it doesn't really add up. Secondly, in the last scenes, when she transforms back into a human, why does she grab her 'arm' when she's losing the ability to breathe? She can't be getting the bends since she doesn't have an air tank. I've read that if you're in the deep ocean where all the pressure is, you could be crushed into a human milkshake in a matter of seconds...all she did was go unconscious for a bit until her friends rescued her. So if she was indeed getting ready to get her bones smashed, why would it happen so slowly?