MovieChat Forums > Saving Silverman (2001) Discussion > anyone else not like jason biggs charact...

anyone else not like jason biggs character in this (spoiler kinda)

I just never liked the fact how Judith was clearly a bitch to Darren and let her talk him into not seeing them again, and his friends who backed him up since they were kids were still so desperate to get him back they kidnapp judith so he can be happy wit sandy and he beats the crap out of them and throws them on sandys car....idk, i know its a comedy and not meant to be taken seriously but still...i just thought darren was a tool and a dick to his friends


errr I never liked Jason Biggs all short

somehow he's very good at playing spineless pu$$ies, those chatacters are more annoying then funny on the long run..

I see dumb people everywhere, and sometimes, they don't even know they're dumb!


yeah basically he is always playing the same character


I actually thought that it kind of worked - you can certainly imagine him being under the thumb.
Two things that didn't make sense:
1 - the enormous age gap between the 3 guys
2 - Why Amanda Peet would bother with such a loser. If she is that cold hearted, why not bag someone with some money?


The age gap kind of bothered me too, but I just let that go. As for why Peet wanted Biggs, the answer is easy. He was her puppet and she was the puppet master. That kind of personality wants to be in control and he was the perfect person for her to put under her thumb. A man who will let his fiancee talk him into having "butt cheeks" implanted on a whim is pretty much totally whipped.


She is such a B*tch and he is so weak willed that they work together, he puts up with Judith because she gives him the time of day, Darren obviously isn't fighting them off with a stick, and he believes that Judith is his "one and only"


You are correct. Silverman was a complete, absolute and total PUSSY. Judith was a man hating, castrating bi*ch. Silverman was weak, immature, na�ve and inexperienced and made to order as prey for a predator like Judith. His friends saw what he didn't and were right to try to "save" him from her. As far as I'm concerned, this showed them as true friends, and real men. They were loyal and had his back and put themselves on the line to help him. His first girlfriend was a decent person. She was right for him and loved him, although it became obvious she was too good for him.

The message and sensibility of this movie is realistic and male oriented. That doesn't make it misogynistic, although feminists want to attack any realistic portrayal of women's faults and flaws as such, even if it's true. (I wonder what they have to say about the Lifetime Network!).

Sorry, but there are women out there who are every bit as vicious as any abusive, bullying male. An important part of a man's education is to learn how to recognize bad women, and how to handle them.

Sadly, and tragically, the tradition of boys learning how to become men is dying out of our culture. Millions of boys are being raised by single mothers, and the media and culture is becoming dominated by the female sensibility and point of view.

Silverman is obviously a product of this environment. His friends, thankfully, are not.

Unc John: We makin' trouble?
Stacy: Yeah
Unc John: What kind?
Stacy:...The forever kind



I don't think this movie is misogynistic but I think you are misogynistic.
