MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > Bye bye Sierra. 5/10 episode

Bye bye Sierra. 5/10 episode

Sarah outplayed you so you deserve to lose. And now she has your Legacy thingy.

How did Aubrey make it to GAMECHANGERS? What has she ever done to change the game?


Aubry finished 2nd in Kaoh Rong... she's like a young Cirie... good at building bonds with many different types of personalities and a strategist.


That is not game changing. Didn't she loose to that girl Michelle who is rated as a pretty poor winner. Just shows that she was not all that great at bonding.
But then again she will not be my choice as a returnee.


She finished 2nd and 4th... maybe not the most exciting player but you have to give her some credit especially when one season was playing against all stars.
