Lorelai and Christopher

So unpopular opinion. I think Lorelai and Christopher belong together.
I really like Lorelai and Luke and their chemistry during the first seasons, but when they finally get together, that chemistry seems to be gone. I try to find "aww" moments between them when they start dating and they're really hard to find. I can't even remember if they have an "I love you" moment. I think they worked way better just as friends.
Christopher and Lorelai though, the chemistry is always always there. You can tell their relationship is much more than just about Rory. They've known eachother forever and they just click. Also, they always end up going back to each other one way or another. They are always laughing and you can tell they really love each other. They should end up together.


I've never been much of a "shipper," so I think I'll just be neutral on whether they belong together... but I do think this is a legit view. There was a definite spark, especially early on. Scenes that come to mind include the "take your shirt off" scene when Chris is first introduced, and the scene at Miss Patty's when they show Rory and Dean how to dance. Oh, and the sex-on-the-balcony scene. Can't forget that one.

There are several reasons Lorelai/Chris is unpopular: people like Luke better, Chris is a lazy rich kid, Chris is Emily's choice, Chris was hardly ever there for Rory... etc. But I think another reason is that when they finally got married, it was Season 7 and the writing was terrible and all the characters lost what made them tick. Chris became a lot less likable, and the chemistry they had in the beginning wasn't there anymore. So alas, they didn't really have a fair shake at that point. Another casualty of Season 7.


Well I'm just starting season 7 so my opinion is only based on the first 6 seasons.
I think most people just went with Luke cause he's the guy Lorelai is suppossed to be with and that's shown since the beggining of season 1.


Yes me too, i actually think the writing is better in this season, not so far fetched, and seems more human some how. Maybe not so frenetic. I dont know what happened with the writers I think it was money driven, but for me so far this is my favorite season.

I think Lorelai is being allowed to show her true emotions and is not screeching and overacting with everything.


Nah i think christopher and Lorelai were just unfinished business, whats in the past should stay in the past.

I hate christophers character from the first time i saw him dont know why.

I think Lorelai and Luke just get each other, they have a quiet togetherness they dont have to make an effort to enjoy each others company, and Luke really loves her genuinely and is always there for her. Regardless.

Christopher pushed her away from the beginning i mean one minute he wants to be with her then he rushes off to marry the mother of his child I mean such a contrast. Why did he have to do that? He could have married Lorelai and still have supported Gigi.

Nah Luke and Lorelai should be together.


The writing for season 7 was awful so when they finally got together, it seemed off but I know it's due to the writing. I just disagree with the show and most fans regarding the "ships". I don't have any issues with Luke but his relationship with Lorelai is underwhelming at best. Luke turns into a grumpier version of himself who doesn't understand Lorelai at all and Lorelai becomes so unbelievably desperate and codependent. Lorelai despite her claims of being so independent can only maintain that status when she's not with Luke. She follows him around the market instead of giving him space like he asked, steals the tape out of his answering machine, and they fight over everything from her parents to Christopher daring to call Lorelai so Luke runs off. I know we are supposed to root for them because "he waited for her" but I don't find that romantic. Chris and Lorelai just had more chemistry and they were more interesting to watch. Lorelai and Luke seemed to like each other better as friends lol. I also think that Lorelai should've just broken up with Luke when she found out about April instead of staying with him and sulking 24/7 only to run off and sleep with Chris anyway.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


I agree with you completely. Lorelai and Luke were horrible when it came to communicating with each other. Luke not telling Lorelai about April and Lorelai sleeping with Chris after Luke rejected her marriage ultimatum should have permanently ended their romantic relationship. Chris and Lorelai should have ended up together when the series ended, and likely would have, had it not been for the crappy writing in season 7. Lorelai and Chris always had crazy good romantic chemisty.


Lorelai and Luke were only terrible at communicating with each other when ASP decided that would be one of the many roadblocks she would throw at them. These 2 communicated fine before the romance kicked in. Actually the most vulnerable you see either of them be is with each other, even pre-romance.

And IMO the L/C chemistry screams siblings to me. Their body language and quipping comes across as family members. Like brother and sister or cousins who haven't seen each other for a few years would act around each other.


But that's the issue pre-romance Lorelai and Luke communicate better but I wouldn't say they communicated well either. If they showed an ability to communicate in their other relationships then it would be different but Luke acted like a complete nut with Nicole and he shut Rachel out when she came back. He had a townhouse with Nicole and didn't even stay there when they were married. That's just weird. Lorelai treated Max poorly and she didn't bother to tell her parents about Jason. They already had poor relationship skills before they stand dating and two people who communicate poorly in a relationship is a disaster to watch.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


I never expected that L/L would be smooth sailing, not in the slightest. I expected several break-ups actually. They are both such damaged people that no relationship would be smooth sailing. But there is also this thing called 'character growth', something ASP is utterly unfamiliar with. All the conflict in the L/L ship should have been internal ones, because God knows they are THAT dysfucntional as people. But ASP doesn't have the talent or imagination to pull that off. So instead she threw every external and artificial wrench into the relationship that she could while completely ignoring the internal problems.


I think this is partly due to the actors (David Sutcliffe and Lauren Graham) being very good friends in real life. I think LG even said that she was a lot closer to David Sutcliffe and they used to have dinner together, whereas she and Scott Paterson don't seem to be that friendly. During the recent conference they hosted, there was an awkward moment where SP in a friendly but passive agressive manner called out Lauren Graham for interrupting him. Luke and Lorelai had intense chemistry dutring the first 4 seasons (especially season 3/4) but afterwards the spark that was there just fizzled out. Chris and Lorelai had a chemistry that lasted throughout the run of the show.


That's interesting I didn't know the actors were friends but it's not surprising after seeing the show a few times. They just seemed natural with each other.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


She belonged with Luke for me I always rooted for them and it actually annoyed me how long it took for the writers to put them together. I saw chemistry between them and they suited each other bringing the best out of the other.
Christopher treated Lorelai really poorly thinking he could drift in and out of her life and I always wanted her to tell him where to go. I really didn't see them as clicking and more a dream of what could of been and that's why when they did get together it didn't work Lorelai had grown since they were kids while Christopher hadn't really and was very self centred.


Actually, I think it was Chris who had grown and Lorelai who didn't- I think she regressed during her relationship with Luke in season 5. She became a needy mess. In season 7, Chris was successful in his job, had financial security, and had been a responsible single father raising his baby daughter. He was willing to compromise his own needs by living in SH in Lorelai's house and adapting to her friends and community. Lorelai on the other hand was very self-centered. But it's interesting to see how people have different views from what they've seen on the show


Actually Lorelai was growing in her relationship with Luke. She was learning to compromise, even if just a little bit. And learning to commit 100% to someone.

The problem with L/C has always been his general 16-year old self despite being an adult and her regressing to that whenever he is around. Chris had not changed in the slightest (and the health crisis of Richard proved that). And Lorelai regressed to both her 16 year old self, and then when it turns out Chris actually wanted more from the relationship she blocked his every attempt. The only reason they even got married was that until that point Lorelai was still totally effed up from the end of S6, so Chris had an easy time to bulldozer all over her, like he always does. Whenever she is vulnerable he pounces to get what he wants, without considering the long term consequences for her or Rory or anyone else. Hence the mess that was their 'marriage'. Her looking at the wedding ring seemed to have woken her up some, and after that she blocked any and all attempts to compromize or to meld their lives.


I agree that there has been significant growth for Chris, he became more self-reliant and more confident, but the growth did not change his character.

He is still volatile and weak, even Rory could bully him (banning him from seeing Lorelai), a grown man should be able to deal with his daughter in a more mature way, at least in a more equal manner, not cowardly obeying his daughter's orders.

How could he expect to get any respect from Rory after that? At least ask questions like:"Is that what your mother asked of you to say? If not, then do you have any respect for your mother as a grown woman who can make her own decisions?"

Only after Rory agreed she was out of line then Chris should have said something like:"As a favor to you I won't tell Lorelai that you were here and I will forget about this conversation as soon as I close this door."

If Rory was still shouting and calling shots Chris then should have slammed the door and give a call to Lorelai.

Emily scored dinners out of Lorelai, that in itself maybe nothing but at least she established rules of conduct, that is a mature parent. In comparison Chris is weak and spineless.

A cynic is what an idealist calls a realist - Sir Humphrey Appleby


I think Chris always felt like he couldn't defend himself with Rory because he wasn't a good father to her. I'm hoping to see even more growth from Chris and that he ends up happy.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


I don't think it is just Rory, he succumbed to the will of Sherry and Emily as well, could not even handle Lorelai. I got a feeling he likes strong willed women.

When Lorelai said something about she was alone because she always hoped she and Christopher would work out in the end, then Chris got angry and whined about she blaming her unhappiness on him. Just like later he could no longer take Rory's restriction of not to see Lorelai he whined to Rory as well. Being whiny is not the sign of strong character.

A cynic is what an idealist calls a realist - Sir Humphrey Appleby


I got a feeling he likes strong willed women.

No, that would be Luke. Chris likes these women because he is looking for someone to make life easier for him. Chris likes to go through life without responsibilities and if something goes wrong, just turn on the charm and let one of these women bail you out. Those women can do anything and everything which suits him fine because then he can go off and do whatever he wants.


I have to agree with this. I love Christopher but for seven seasons, I never felt that he had grown past that weak willed boy he was in high school. And he certainly never became someone that Lorelai and Rory could count on, which is sad.


In my case I have to use the disclaimer that I used to be an L/L shipper when the show originally aired. I've grown up since and think Luke is too good for Lorelai so Christopher or whoever can have her for all I care.

My dislike of Christopher (and anti-L/C stand) has always been that he's a deadbeat, a spineless weasel and an opportunist. And he made Lorelai a worse person and mother whenever he is around. And they are incable to relate to each other as adults. They quip, they ignore everyone else outside their little bubble, unable to spend a minute in silence and everything they relate on is a story that starts with 'remember when'. But it has nothing to do for me with thinking L/L is endgame. It's all about Christopher as a person and what Lorelai turns into when he's around.


I think a lot of that chemistry may have been unintentional. I remember years ago seeing pictures of Lauren and David attending parties together, they never dated but they were close friends. And the story was that LG was not really that close to Scott Patterson. And Lauren and David are closer in age too. I've always kind of associated the Lorelai/Christopher chemistry with what David and Lauren had.
