Gilmore Girls: A Show That Seems Glaringly Sexist Against Men
Gilmore Girls: A Show That Seems Glaringly Sexist Against Men
Bear in mind, I wrote this in season 6... everything changes in season 7 when suddenly it seems they try to redeem all the guys... Luke, Logan, Michel gets a heart when his dog dies... I mean they really do redeem the men finally in season 7.
I know this is going to be a polarizing topic, but I'm in season 7, and all I can think of is the repeated personality trait that men aren't treated very fairly on the show.
Those who find out important info and hide it seems to be a repeating theme. We saw Luke do this with his daughter April and Lorelai, with Logan with his business and Rory, in fact the only guy who doesn't exhibit this trait purposefully is Christopher, but he's also the guy making up for not being in his daughter's life.
Richard is a sweet grandfather, but he doesn't show interest in his wife Emily... Marty lies, I mean I get it, this show is primarily a "chick flick", it's about three generations of women... and I love it for that, but this show doesn't treat men very well.
The men act like aggressive puppy dogs who are enamored by much smarter, much more put together women... oh wait, I just realized, that's not sexist, that's kind of reality... I must admit, as a man I do look for a woman like that... hmm... maybe I just debunked the premise of this post.
But only in part. This show really is about successful women and the men who barely eek by and not really doing anything noble or meaningful... for the love of God, even the town mechanic is a woman.
Emily runs the DAR
Lorelai and Sooki run the Inn
Rory gets everything one could possibly want and she deserves it.
Logan is a gambler, who lies, and takes irresponsible risk, is cocky, arrogant, vain... the men seem to have all the worst traits, the women, all the best.
Michel helps at the Inn but he's a completely insane pain in the ass
Patsy runs a dance studio
Christopher apparently works in software but it's never explored, at all.
Luke runs a diner but he inherited the place from his dad and dresses like a slob, he appeals to the everyman, the romantic who wants to see Lorelai's free spirit win in the end.
Jackson delivers the fruits and vegetables to the inn but we never really see what he does either.
Kirk is a scum capitalist who would drown his mother if he could sell t-shirts.
Taylor basically represents the necessary but hated authority that nobody likes and he's got nothing else in his life.
After 7 seasons it just becomes clear, that this show is creating hero worship of women, and disdain and distrust for men in general.
And apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so.
In closing, I must reiterate that one thing I love about the show is the strong women, but the imbalance of strong men and character traits seems a bit irksome to say the least. Now you might say yes, the women all have flaws too, but they are redeemed, the men not so much.