Favorite Lorelai And Emily Moments
I have two. One is from Season 2 I believe when the dress that Lorelai was making fell on her and she wrenched her back. The reason I like this is because to my recollection, this is the first time that we see a softer side to Emily. As soon as she learned that Lorelai was hurt, she immediately dropped everything to tend to her even going as far to make a childhood concoction that she thought had been a source of comfort to her. Granted, they both found out that the sandwich was foul-tasting but you could tell that Lorelai appreciated where the gesture was coming from. The second moment is from a later season (I don't remember which one) but Lorelai brings over a DVD player and a whole slew of movies that Emily enjoyed. The reason I like this is because even though it was difficult and she didn't have the most patience in the world, she was willing to stay until the player was hooked up and her mother could watch her movies. Maybe that's a little thing, but it was a nice moment between the two.
I don't think more electricity is what this guy really needs. Just throwin' it out there.