
I still find it crazy that Scott was only suppose to be in the pilot or a few episodes. The show wouldn't have been the same without him. There are so many great things he said or did throughout the show. My favorite thing is when he is about to kiss Lorelai and she says "What are you doing?" And he responds with "Will you just stand still?" And then he goes for it.

I also love when he yells at Lorelai for having people call her at the diner about stuff with the Inn and when he starts listening to those tapes about love.

What are your favorite Luke lines/moments/episodes?

*Please not that this discussion isn't really about whether or not he should of ended up with Lorelai or if Christopher was better than him :)


1. shoving Jess into the lake
2. making Rory the coffee cake for her birthday
3. teasing Lorelei about kirk asking her out especially the line: "seeing that guy's face light up when he was talking about you, he almost had an expression". LOL
4. this is a small moment but when Richard comes to drop the dollhouse over at Lorelai's house and she's clearly upset after their conversation. Luke just carefully plays with her ponytail. It was simple but I always love that moment.
5. his expression when the judge read Lorelai's letter out loud during the custody battle

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 
