
Always thought Chris was a great dad to have especially to Rory as an adult. Despite his mistakes and low points, especially before Rory was 16, he seemed pretty cool. What were your favorite Christopher moments throughout the series?

I loved when his parents are at the Gilmore house for Friday night dinner and they all have a blow up about the past. Afterwards Chris looks at Lor and says, "And you brought up Bush because?" That whole episode was great I loved all of Christopher's lines and the scene in the house when he first arrives and he says he needs a beer after he learns that Rory has a Dean. Also love when he visits Rory at Yale, texts her all the time about how many tacos he should get and when he offers to help the girls after he inherits all that money. All the time he spent trying to be a better dad to Rory was when I liked him.

*Please note that this isn't really a discussion about whether or not he should have ended up with Lorelai or if he was better or worse than Luke. :)


I always loved his first date with Lorelai in season 7. They were so in sync and he put a lot of effort into making the perfect night for her. I also love the episode with Sherry coming to visit and he just knows them so well. Then he comes to dinner with Lorelai and chaos ensues.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


"A mutual Leonard..."
