The Upper Middle Class Broken Jewish Home Experience
I'm a fan of films about ethnic experiences, and I would actually consider this one very much a film about the ethnic experience; what other mother but a Jewish one would even fathom acting like the way that Elizabeth's one does in this film? I mean this is so novelly the experience of neurosis among spoiled New Yorkers going too far. This is the kind of concept Woody Allen would totally do well with.
Anyway, what I want to say is that I personally am a big fan of these stories. I think that the nature of the Jewish religion coupled with such the experience of the upper-middle class broken home creates perspectives such as the one that Elizabeth had, and it's just so fascinating, especially to know people like this exist all the time. Does anyone share my taste, and also do you know any other good works of that ilk? Girl, Interrupted is probably the closest, and the girl is much more sympathetic in that piece as well.