She actually explained how she got better. She admitted the prozac helped her to gain perspective, even though it levelled her out to the extent that she thought it was forcing her to ignore her deep inner emotions. Helping her mother in her time of physical need would've also helped her gain perspective. And when these two events eventually paved the way for her to start writing again and find her inner voice, then her path to recovery was well on its way.
She says that when she writes at the end of the film, her life doesn't depend on it, and I totally understand where she is coming from, as I've experienced similar sentiments regarding the creative process.
The idea to which the film returns, that when you fall you fall gradually and then suddenly, just like the bankrupt person she refers to early in the film, succintly sums up how she fell and how she recovered.
So in conclusion, I personally believe the film did finish nicely. All up, I thought it was quite good, and I loved the Godard-style editing touches, the jump cuts etc. really well used.