Worst movie...
You know just because there is depression doesnt mean you have to make some sad movie like this. It is just an awful movie. I watched it only because I sat down and it was on, not that I looked for it to watch. Most people watch movies for entertainment but seriously why watch something that is about depression and gets you depressed watching it. Fact is 95% of the population has depression at some point in there lives and some stay depressed more then others. Life can suck, life is hard but seriously its like with anything when you have had enough your ready to fix it. This character in the movie( and I take it this is from real life experience) is to me more bi polar and she loves drama and wants everyone to fix her and put all there attention on her. What did people do before drugs like Prozac was made? They either killed themselves ( sad but true) or they learned to deal with there own depression., change a path for themselves and get over what they are dwelling on. I am so tired of the world we live in now allowing this, the movie said there are 300 million people prescribed pills for depression. Its like WHAT!!!! I see the pharmaceutical company's making out like a banchee and we are letting them get away with this. We are letting them drug the world. I just think you go to the Dr and you say I am depressed and they are so glad to say "Here take these you will feel better". Thats what really happens. But this movie was awful, and it didnt need to be made for us all to know to many pills are prescribed and that we just have some word like depression to use as an excuse to take a bunch of pills that if people would just get over themselves and stop this Pity Party that maybe we wouldnt have to hear about this or watch stupid movies like this.