Not all depressed people are manipulative and whiny...
As someone who has had a lot of depression in my life, on and off, I can relate- its horrible. You just want to sleep and you lose pleasure in almost everything. However, maybe its just my personality, but I never treated people like Wurtzel's character in this movie. She is snotty, whiny and seems to want everyone to pity her but doesn't seem interested in really getting better- its like she wants the pills or something to do all the work of getting better for her.
Compare this to a movie like "A Beautiful Mind"- John Nash was tormented and terrified and acted irrationally (yes, I know he was schziophrenic and not simply depressed) but that movie had so much more depth to me! Considering how bright Wurtzel is portrayed to be, I would've liked this more if she had held things together a little more and stopped treating other people like dirt. Viktor Frankl wrote "Man's search for meaning" after his experiences in death camps during world war 2 and there is not an ounce of self pity in his work.
I think, yes, Wurtzel was bright and depressed and yes, Daddy left (how many people here grew up with divorce or in foster care or in a single parent family or with abuse.... I mean.... LOTS!) but I also think she was spoiled and self indulgent. I was expecting an interesting look at depression and a movie about the power of the human spirit to overcome adversity, and what I got was a lot of self pitying and the message that if you're depressed, its fine to treat others like crap because you're DEPRESSED. Ahhhh!
"Man is a social animal who despises his fellow man" ~ Delacroix