When jason Biggs' character (Raef?) cuts her off in the aiport, i empathize with her all too well. I too suffer from moderate clinical depression plus an anxiety disorder so I know EXACTLY how she feels to have a guy pull away from you, a guy you became attached to in a short amount of time and who seemed into you at first, bc of your mental illness. I totally felt for her in this scene and in the scenes before. Aside from real tragedies like deaths of loved ones or physical illness, this is undoubtedly one of the worst things that a young woman (or old) can go through---the rejection of a guy she liked and who liked her at first.
Yet in other posts you tell people you "dont give a *beep* about their bipolar depression or anything else their going through, because of your oh-so-precious grief. You have been so rude and mean and self-absorbed I truly pity your daughter at this point, reading back on your posts. Get help.
PS: I just lost my fiance, yet I don't take that as a cue to go around and tell everyone how worthless they are or how I don't give a *beep* what they're going through. In spite of the fact that your general, hyprocritical attitude pisses me off, I still don't think of you as worthless or feel the need to put words in your mouth or claim you did things that you didn't do. Unlike you (especially on the Silver Linings Playbook page. Though I admit it was funny to see you get called out on your other sock account)
I really don't get why you even feel the need to bring another thread up in this post...it has nothing to with what I said here...it's actually quite stalker-ish and creepy of you to do so. And btw, your "oh so precious" grief line is really rude...I know you don't care about my dad dying, nor do i care about your fiance dying. But don't minimize my loss just bc it wasn't your dad or someone else you love, KWIM? Don't put down my grief to 'oh so precious". If you actually DO care for your dead fiance, then you would know that grief is nothing to play with or mock, and that includes someone else's. I wouldn't say to someone who lost their son "your oh so precious grief" I would say they are grieving bc they lost their precious son...well i loved my dad and still do and he was precious to me. And if you loved/love your fiance you would know not to minimize another person's grief of a loved one. I am not going to apologize to you or anyone else bc I don't owe anyone anything on here. I AM still hurting from my dad, and probably always will. I don't like when people like you feel the need to kick me down even more when you can assume I;m hurting. Ever heard the saying people who lash out at others are deeply hurting? Well there's some truth to it. Quit trying to insinuate I sue some kind of grief card, when actually it IS REAL grief. You have no idea what i went through with my father and you're not worth telling it to. I don't want to share it with someone like you. And when i did say those things, it was from a place of deep hurt and fresh grief and for christ's sake it was about FICTIONAL characters in a movie! I am still in a lot of pain but I've learned to accept that some ppl my age still have both their parents and I don't. It saddens me to not have my dad, but I can now discern bc I'm in a slightly better place than before and in a different "stage' of grief. I had just lost my father. And for you to take so personally what i said to a person you don't even know is disturbing considering your lack of empathy towards me. And I am still a young woman, and a human, and have lived enough to know that the scene where Raef rejects Elizabeth hurts her very deeply, more so bc of what he represents than anything else (security, love, affection), bc it's happened to me before, it's happened to every girl/woman at some point in her life...and although it doesn't measure to the actual death/grief of a loved one, it is a heartache even a grief all its own. Don't get why that's so hard to believe that I would get that or know that feeling. And it was esp. relateable to me bc I HAVE moderate clinical depression AND severe anxiety disorder/OCD and a mood disorder...I was diagnosed at ages 15 and 17 and 51/50d for a month...my parents tried to protest and the ward said they'd hand me over to the state and make them sign their rights and they'd make it court-ordered 6 months. So yeah there you go with your assumptions...shove em up your a-s-s...and btw you do know that "self-absorbed and mean" ARE characteristics/results of depression, including grief depression and anxiety/mood disorders, right? Isn't that what everyone was so up in arms about? Btw sorry you lost your fiance...I am sure your grief is just "oh so precious". Do you like that?
You say you don't like people who feel the need to kick others while they're down but that is EXACTLY what you're doing. You're also doing exactly what I said you'd do: Put words in my mouth.
A wall-of-words makes your posts nearly unreadable. Learn to break them up if you want people to actually read what you are clearly putting some effort into.
"I am sure your grief is just "oh so precious". Do you like that?"
Yes, yes I do. Though I never said a thing about "oh-so-precious" grief. That's just you projecting your own *beep* onto me ;). Just like when you throw absolutes like "if you really did care about your fiance you'd be doing X" when, as you have said at least three times before "you don't know *beep* about me"
You excuse your taking of every single person who disagrees with you as a personal slight and bringing up your own personal stuff, and using that as an excuse to belittle, insult, tell people they are cussing at you when it is YOU cussing at them (putting-words-in-others-mouths syndrome).....In this post I have both read "I don't care what happened to your fiance and you don't care what happened to my dad" to talking about the importance of compassion. You're all over the place.
You completely minimized someone else's grief who said they just lost a cousin by saying "well that isn't your dad so it's not the same and I feel worse than you" (paraphrased, it's right on your "spoiled brats" threat on the "Silver Linings" board)
So when I saw this post, I was rather astounded by the sheer hypocrisy not only in your past thread, but this thread as well. Where you pretend you aren't some mean, insultin, belittling person who uses her own pain to diminish that of others while being so self-absorbed you cannot acknowledge any points of contention or general disagreement into your insights. EVERY time I've seen someone disagree with you, you started playing the pain-game ("I'm in more pain than you! Therefore it excuses all of my behavior!" which there IS nuance to that. I'm fully aware of that, having experienced tremendous loss in my life as well, like TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ON HERE)
I was raped and sexually tortured at age 8-9, so badly that I lost a testicle because of it. You cannot begin to understand that kind of pain, to have somethin that sensitive dying inside you at such a young age, while being raped and being forced to have sex with other children on camera. I have PTSD, severe anxiety and depression as well. Yet the only time I brin this type of *beep* up is when someone else pulls out their personal baggage solely for the purpose of diminishing other people's opinions. It's *beep* My pain or your pain doesn't mean we get a free pass to throw out our personal baggage and garbage to the whole world and expect everyone to eat it up and not say one word of disagreement about it!
You use you're grief as a way to get out of admitting you were wrong. I used my grief to illustrate the fact that myself and millions of other people are going through just as much if not worse. (in fact, 25,000 children will die of starvation within 24 hours of this post, worldwide.) Women and men and children will be raped, killed, tortured, slaughtered. Silver Linings was a beautiful story because it delved into such issues so expertly and all you could take away from it was "They're spoiled brats" but in a similar show, focusing solely on a female who has a disorder similar to yours, suddenly it's a great movie that you can relate to, fine. That's fine. But to put down other people for disagreeing with you and then say "Well, I was grieving! So that excuses my behavior" is just wrong, IF you are truly in a better place you should be able to say something alon the lines of "I was absorbed into my own grief, I took it out on strangers online, and took it out on other people. I told other people I don't give a *beep* about their pain multiple times, while exasperating my own pain by continuously brining it up to those very same people. I am ashamed of that behavior and I apologize"
Now THAT would be real and brave of you to do.
Furthermore, you need to be seeking a support group, not posting this kind of stuff (same goes for me) on here. There are great support groups that you can have skype meetings with, or forum and chat meetings with, or meetings outside of the internet. But coming to IMDB of all places and using your personal loss as a way to critique not just the movie (which is fine) but others who disagree with you who are going throuh something similar (not cool at all, and it is rather revealing into your character), while diminishing their pain by essentially saying they should acknowledge what you are going through, but when they bring up their own personal baggage your response has been (every single time) to say "I don't care about your pain, I AM IN PAIN!" is immature, shortsighted, self-abosrbed and outright rude. SOME of it is excusable, but after 2-3 months, and you being an adult, and talking about other people being spoiled brats, you sure act like a spoiled brat yourself.
Which is exactly why I see you get met with so much resistance on these topics. Maybe you should ask yourself WHY that is happening, hmm?
(I've also seen you track down other people and respond to them via your sock account and this one, so don't pull the "stalker" *beep* with me. The point I made in my post was both valid on this board and on Silver Linings, especially since you directly mentioned this very movie on there!)
PS: I don't expect you to respond to me in any other way then your usual flavor of "*beep* you, I don't care about your problems, and how dare you talk to me that way!" attitude. But I would love to be proven wrong and surprised, pleasantly.
PPS: The pain-game contest is NEVER a good one to play. There will always be someone out there that will "out-pain" you. In this case I'd say that what happened to me as a child, and me losing the love of my life, my twin sister, and best friend in a period of a year would, in your contest-of-pain game mentality, would make me the "winner." Which is *beep* pathetic that you would even look at it that way. And don't deny that you don't, you literally just did in your post, and on your "Spoiled Brats" thread. (go ahead and see my replies there, and other people's recent replies, then look at your responses to some of the other people who lost loved ones and your "i've been through more, so I don't care" attitude...It's all there in writing, not going anywhere, unless you delete them)
I didn't realize I'd struck such a chord with you. You're right---my grief made me /makes me self-absorbed and top that with a mental illness already existing and bam you've got a b*tch, right? I am sorry you were moelsted at sucha young age and that is horrid what they did to you. i recommend counseling if you haven't already. However your line" if not worse' totally diminishes the loss of my father. he was sick for three years I took care of him for three years. My mom left him for a scumbag. He was in a lot of emotional and physical agony and for me his onyl daughter to see that, and the only man who's ever treated me with any respect or value, was heartbreaking and soul-tearing. Now I know that's not some kid in Africa "dying of starvation" but it still hurts. So I'll sue my words against me: you can't compare grief/pain or measure sorrow. You cannot tell me that a kid dying of AIDS in Africa is "worse" than me losing my dad, because to me, it isn't. while i agree it is tragic children starve to death in third-world countries (and in this country even but not to the same extent) I am sorry but losing my dad to me held way much mroe significance, bc I knew and loved him for 29 years. For 29 yrs he guided, nurtured, protected me. And to have that taken away at such an already difficult time in my life...you just don't know. And no I don't know your pain...never said I did.To me him dying was more sad than a random idk dying, bc I don't know that child. And of course it's sad we can all agree, but I loved my dad more, and for him i mourn. Now you got me to eat my own words---you cannot compare your pain ro grief to someone else's. You get so mad at me for doing so, yet here you are going on and on and on about how your life has been 'so much harder" than mine, and how x, y, and z happened to you that didn't happen to me, all to prove your point of what I'm doing wrong, when really i think you mean it. no I wasn't raped at age 8 but rather age 16, and no i didn't lose a sibling as a child (sorry to hear that btw, genuinely am), but cmon. What do you gain by trying to "teach me a lesson' by giving me my own poison when really you like the poison and believe it yourself? Now that I've humbly backed down to you, are you happy?
Wow, what a terrible thread. The silver lining of pain is that it's supposed to teach you empathy for others. You feel pain so you understand how difficult it really is when someone else feels pain. For once you know the right thing to say - or not say - because before you didn't, you could only imagine. Apparently that's all lost when it becomes a pissing contest for who has suffered more and who deserves the right to say what.
You don't have to care about anyone, but you don't have to state it out loud. Just because you can say something, doesn't mean you should.
I for one am pretty glad she humbly backed down. I think it would all do us some good to humbly back down before opening our mouths. And I can't say for such, but it's questionable whether IMDB threads are the best way to use grief to justifies one actions but to each their own. Some people are just missing the sensitivity gene and the ability to turn pain into empathy.
Good luck to everyone. Although it never goes away, may it all hurt less and less.
Side note: I was glad when he told her "no calls." ... Lizzie just tried to turn his caring relationship with his special needs sister into something wrong and something he "gets off" on. That's got to be a pretty hard thing to bounce back from after a what - two, three month relationship - if that?