Night shyamalan

I thought this was Mr. Night Shyamalan movie. Presentation style and suspenseful twist was very similar to what Shyamalan's movies are known for.


me too


No way. Not a single Night movie comes close to being this good.


^That part



Yeah the Sixth Sense was really good and honestly I wonder if movies like The Others would've even been made had the Sixth Sense not been so well executed.


The Others was a good twist on the Victorian ghost story. It was not an M Night movie but certainly in line with his storytelling style.

I like M Night's movies. Has he had a few duds? Sure. Overall though, movies like Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Signs, Split... these have all been quite good. The Village gets a lot of hate but the concept was neat. I didn't dislike it.

Lady in the Water is tepid and strange. Devil was just boring. The Happening was vapidly stupid.
These 3 movies were certainly not his best outings.

Haven't seen the The Visit, so can't comment on it.



Signs was a GREAT first viewing... But the suspense alone can't be the only good thing about a movie. Never wanted to see it again, barely remember what I liked about it. The footage from the birthday party was creepy, but gimmicky as well.



Yes the ending was atrocious.

Did you ever see The Happening? Its wonderfully, hilariously bad. It's so hard to tell if it's supposed to be serious or supposed to be satire. Strong arguments for both. It's one of my favorite bad movies (that and The Wraith, with Charlie Sheen).



The Happening is just awful and it's ironic since nothing happens. NOT.A.THING!


The Wraith was a great 80's B-list flick! It was like watching a drawn out MTV music video with a story. The characters were so over the top. Remember Randy Quaid as the town sheriff? I think Loomis was his name, which is another shout out to a chief character from Halloween movie fame. Ah memories.


Did u check out the Honest Trailer for The Happening? Best laugh you'll have in a long time.


I'll never understand the hate for Shyamalan or his movies. Why was the ending bad? Just because of one line that you didn't care for?

I think it has just become trendy to hate on twist-ending type movies, despite them being some of the best movies of all time. I saw a comment from someone the other day implying that enjoying twist-ending movies indicated a lower level of intelligence. I mean, forget about Shyamalan for a moment - you've got Fight Club, Primal Fear, The Usual Suspects, The Prestige, etc. And this isn't just a new thing. You've got Citizen Kane, Planet of the Apes, Psycho...

Hating on twist endings is just hipster, wanna-be movie critic shit to me.



I hear you on the immersion thing, but I don't understand how this broke it. How are we to know that the aliens had ever encountered water before? Perhaps they never had before, and had no idea what it would do to them. I've seen similar critiques on alien movies before. Even when it's established in films that aliens are of high intelligence, I've never understood why so many people want to associate psychic abilities with intelligence just because they are aliens. Just like humans, they could never have tested something that they have never had access to.


Good points! I love a twist, just so long as that twist is connected to the overall plot. I hate it when a movie cheats you and they lead you down some rabbit hole at the end that has little to do with the story. For the most part, Shyamalan's movies have twists that are pertinent to the plot.


That was my feeling too.
The ending was awful.


Oh for the record I thought The Others was a great movie. My point was that The Sixth Sense was the film that created a renewed public desire for films like this (where the twist is under your nose the entire time) and there were a few others in that followed in that time frame as well (although none as memorable as The Others).

It's kind of how Scream kicked off a new wave of slasher films or Blair Witch kicked off a bunch of found footage movies.


I'm a fan of The Village, I never understood the hate.
I agree about The Happening and couldn't finish Lady in the Water. I actually didn't mind Devil.


I too liked The Village, Devil was just OK and the other two (The Happening, Lady in the Water), were simply awful. In those latter movies, I think Shyamalan had ideas that were too large in scope to be carried by the movies. What makes his best movies (Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Signs) so good is his ability to weave in elements of fantasy/sci-fi into the present reality of day to day life and keep it under the surface. The Twightlight Zone (older version) had stories that were similar. Imagine our world as a seascape. We see what we see on the surface but when we dive beneath, there's a whole other world that we didn't see. When Shyamalan can present a story in that manner, he makes a great movie. It's that seamless weaving of the known and unknown that he's so good at, when he's good. With something like Lady in the Water, it was just too much fantasy and not enough real world to balance it out, so the movie was uneven and overwrought.


^ So very true.


I'm happy to take Signs, Unbreakable or The Village over The Others any day of the week.
