The secret of 'ESREVER'

I'm trying to get still shots of all of the "hidden images" in the movie that have to do with the "ESREVER" special feature. I know what they're supposed to be, most of them I found on my own when the DVD first came out but some of them are listed in the FAQ section, but I can't find two of them.

I found - Fire, Grave, Grass, Rug, Window, Water
Cannot find - Mirror or Door

I know that with "Door", you're supposed to see the image of a child's face on the fridge door before Erica opens it and "Mirror" is supposed to show a ghostly figure when Sheriff Craven is reflected in the mirror during his interrogation.

No Accidents. No Coincidences. No Escapes. You Can't Cheat Death. - FINAL DESTINATION 5


Door-Not the fridge door but the door to Jeff's room(the one Stephen and Tristan are staying in). I know there are several different shots of this but it's one of the times you see Stephen go into that room. As it shows him opening the door, the light and shadows off the back of the door make the face of the child.

Mirror-You are correct only it's Craven's reflection that turns into the ghost(well, his hair anyway...into a ghostly face that is). It'll look kind of like what happens to this girl's reflection in this classic viral video:

I have learned from experience... that a modicum of snuff can be most efficacious.


If you followed all of the clues, you eventually unscramble the phrase: "Seek me no further or..." and of you went to the BW2 website back in the day, you could enter that phrase and unlock another game, where you could solve more clues and finish the sentence with: "the children will again walk free." Inputting that phrase in the website got you an exclusive BW2 screensaver.
