The secret of 'ESREVER'
I'm trying to get still shots of all of the "hidden images" in the movie that have to do with the "ESREVER" special feature. I know what they're supposed to be, most of them I found on my own when the DVD first came out but some of them are listed in the FAQ section, but I can't find two of them.
I found - Fire, Grave, Grass, Rug, Window, Water
Cannot find - Mirror or Door
I know that with "Door", you're supposed to see the image of a child's face on the fridge door before Erica opens it and "Mirror" is supposed to show a ghostly figure when Sheriff Craven is reflected in the mirror during his interrogation.
No Accidents. No Coincidences. No Escapes. You Can't Cheat Death. - FINAL DESTINATION 5