Original Director's Cut
Is there any way to see it ?
shareAs far as I know, no. I'm sure the director wanted to make one when it came out but Artisan prob denied him.
He did release his notes and how he would have done it (ex: No origin scenes for J Donvan's character, no stupid flash cuts.) The guy who does Good/Bad flicks on You Tube made one like that and he said it made for a much better film.
I'm still hoping like crazy that Scream Factory will release both Blair Witches at some point because Artisan's out of business. Both deserve proper Blu Ray/DVD's and Scream's great at working with directors who want better visions for their films that that they never got.
Definitely want to see it. I can't imagine why anyone would stand in the way of a new release of the directors cut. I'd be happy if Netflix got it and did it. I'd not hesitate to watch it. Love psychological thrillers and trope jokes.
shareBlu-ray releases of both films from Scream Factory would be fantastic, especially for BW2 because it has such a weird production history and there could be some great bonus material for it, as well as an inclusion of the director's cut as you say.
Lionsgate owns the Blair Witch franchise now, so it's up to them if they wanted to do a joint release with Scream Factory. God knows the movies deserve it.
If you're really good at the Internet you can find a fanedit that someone put together and it's fantastic.
shareI'm curious to see it myself. The theatrical cut was horrible but it looks like there may be a salvageable film in there somewhere.