Joe Berlinger discusses his original vision for BLAIR WITCH 2
Ironically enough, the element that might’ve most interested Artisan in having Joe Berlinger direct — his documentary background — was at odds with how Berlinger himself regarded the original Blair Witch. The documentarian actually had resentments about the film, particularly its jittery “found footage” aesthetic . “I have tremendous respect for the original Blair Witch Project,” Mr. Berlinger tells on a phone call. “My feeling about it, and it hasn’t changed, is that it’s less about the found footage idea — I think the found footage idea is an interesting — this idea of found footage as a horror device was terrific then and continues to be terrific. What I objected to — what I found quizzical, confusing, disappointing — is that the idea of bad camera work — shaky cam and overly bad shooting, somehow has become equated with documentary-making and reality, because any good documentarian is making beautifully crafted, well-shot documentaries.":