Carmen's Full Name?
In the movie, Carmen uses her full name as the password to get into the safehouse (it also works in Uncle Izzy's shop). Does anyone know her full name?
shareIn the movie, Carmen uses her full name as the password to get into the safehouse (it also works in Uncle Izzy's shop). Does anyone know her full name?
I haven't seen the second or third movie so i don't know what Juni's full name is (they don't say what it is in the first one).
Carmen's full name, as it says in the closed captions is:
Carmen Elizabeth Juanita Heckles Brava Cortez
Carmen's full name sounds very cool. It's very cool when she says it.
shareNo one of you speak sepanish, so let me figure out which is carmen's full name, 'cause, i have to tell you...
los nombres q pusieron estan muy mal...
El verdadero nombre es:
Carmen elizabeth juanita ACOSTA (acosta is a very common latin surname, it's not echo sky) Bravo (like johnny) cortez...
I think it sounds more like "Carmen elizabeth Juanita Echo Sky Brava Cortez"
In addition: the subtitles of the DVDs say "Carmen elizabeth Juanita Echo Sky Brava Cortez"
Try putting the subtitles in spanish...
shareThere are only German subtitles which can't be turned off :/
shareEnglish version: Carmen Elizabeth Juanita Echo Sky Brava Cortez
Spanish (dubbed only, no subtitles on DVD): Carmen Elizabeth Juanita Acosta Brava Cortez
English version was written down, Spanish was recorded by ear.
And FYI, it is Uncle Machete, not "Uncle Izzy", or at least it is in the US DVD version.
Holy *beep* no one got it right, her name is:
In the spanish soundtrack: Carmen Elizabeth Juanita de Costa-Brava Cortez
In english subs: Carmen Elizabeth Juanita Coata-Brava Cortez
That sounds just right, Spanish is my first language but I had trouble hearing to the name in the english version, I always thought it was: carmen elizabeth juanita ecoscabrado cortez
"If tastes wouldn't exist? the world would be a very, veeeeeeeeeery boring place..."
u didn't even spell spanish right. If u put on the english subtitle's it is Carmen Elizabeth Juanita Echo Sky Brava Cortez. I was watching TV before it came out and they had ahind the secnes. Robert Rodriguez says that Carmens full name can be spelled the way i have it above or this way- Carmen Elizabeth Juanita Acosta Brava Cortez. So anyone who says either is correct.
shareWow, a hole post fighting over a fictional character's name and they ended up being both I feel sorry for those who fighted..accualy I don't.
Montreal isin't the French New-York, NY is the english Montreal...Mntrl was there first.
whole and fought.
What is happening to you…? You'll see. You'll see to. You'll all see. You'll all see.
are you sure about that,because i though that Jwan was john in how my name robert is roberto in espanol.
shareI red the book of Spy Kids and what's written there is Carmen Elizabeth Juanita Echo Sky Brava Cortez.
You mean his children are named rocket, racer and rebel? Erm...I wonder what happens to them in school, poor things.
Professor Henry Jones: Our Situation has not improved
Uh yeah actually, dedicated SPY kid fan here, and yeah His three sons are Rocket, Racer, and Rebelde. If you watch SPY kids 2, you will actualy see them in the banquet scene beating up the magna men with the rest of the kids. Rocket and Racer we're actually the two that closed the gates shut when the kids first realised what was going on. Oh and the little kid that threw a kick at one of the magna men? That was Rebelde. As for Carmen's full name I love the arugements on it and I have no opion at this point, a dedicated as I am I must confess even I missheard it and thought her name was"Echo sky" And yes the movie story book did say it was, but the movie story book wass so off whack from the movie in the first p[lace I wouldn't take it seriously. And now my post is WAAAAY to long so I'll shut up now,
This is Agent X, signing out!
P.S The comment about Uncle Machete? Machete's his code name, Issador
Cortez is his original name, therefore the "Izzy" ON his jump suit, i noted that the first time I watched the movie, and it did confuse me at first untill I rewatched it and noted the on the back of the picture it didn't say "Machete and Gregorio" It said "Machete and Hombre" Which is obviously Greg's code name.
"You can go running around with those mass produced gadgets, it just everyone else has them..."