MovieChat Forums > The Score (2001) Discussion > When DeNiro sent his goon to rough up No...

When DeNiro sent his goon to rough up Norton...

I’m sorry, I don’t remember the character’s names. But I love that Norton’s character turns the tables on the goon. That...NEVER happens in movies.

Anytime one, or a group of goons go to some poor bastard’s home to mess him up...they always succeed. And I’ve ALWAYS wanted to see the tables get turned...the goons fail and get eff’d up or shot for trespassing. I’ve wanted the mark to be like...”you come to MY HOME...with intentions of attacking me?? If you do that, you’d better be ready for what I dish back to you!”

Whether that be a shooting, or (better yet), an ass kicking....goons need to get their asses handed to them in movies once in a while.

Any other movies where that has happened? Where the mark was more than ready...and plenty capable? Underestimated by the goons?
