MovieChat Forums > The Score (2001) Discussion > Why doesn't Brando like Oz?

Why doesn't Brando like Oz?

I heard that Brando refused to be filmed in the same room with Frank Oz. Why would anyone not like Frank Oz?


Perhaps Brando is not a Muppets or Star Wars fan. To answer your question I don't know but I read that Brando's nickname for Oz is "Miss Piggy".


That sounds like dumb reason to not want to be in the same room as someone.



You seem slightly biased there you know Brando personally to make this claim? He is a notorious eccentric- not the same as being a prick. Maybe Frank Oz is a prick- even those who seem to be the nicest guys can be monsters behind closed doors...

"I had just seduced a girl who thought I was Jesus and who wanted to eat my body..." Marlon Brando



you're an idiot.



Don't you think it's a little unfair to call him a 12 year old, when you were the first in throwing insults?

I quote you:

Anyone saying that Brando is a notorious ass hole is ,without question, the biggest fool, jerk, dumb head, arrogant bastard ever born.
Stop being blockish! Show some respect to the Godfather, you idiot.

"Military Intelligence is a contradiction in terms."- Groucho Marx


Brando IS an a-hole. Pure and simple.
I DO think hes a great talent. A great actor. But as a person? He stinks.
I respect him as an actor, but not as a person.
Walk up to him in the street sometime. He will tell you to f**k off.


Brando IS an a-hole. Pure and simple.
I DO think hes a great talent. A great actor. But as a person? He stinks.
I respect him as an actor, but not as a person.
Walk up to him in the street sometime. He will tell you to f**k off.


uhh.. maybe you misread. he said a NOTORIOUS *beep*. that means that its a known fact - i.e. the word that everyone talks about.

you dont need to know someone to know something about them. its the media in all its glory.



fans usually are blind to any bad things. fans sometimes refuse to believe anything negative about who they are a fan of.



I think the doctor is trying to screw with you dude



<evil mode = on>
Funny, I thought it would be the other way around...




Yes. You don't sound biased at all.



I agree with Doc Wiley. You are rather biased.
The people who worked with Brando seem to remember him differenly then your blind love of the guy. They remember him as an extremely talented creep.

In "On the Waterfront" Rod Steiger worked for hours with Brando to help Marlon get his lines right. But when Steiger needed Brando? Marlon would go home for the day.

Brando went on a Hollywood Interview and went into a twenty minute diatribe of the evil Jewish influence in Hollywood.

The guys a jerk, pure and simple. Ive enjoyed his performances, Hollywood and movies are all the better for him being here, but as I said, as a person hes NOT a nice guy.



Interesting read, thanks.


Thousands of stories, huh? It sounds like you take naked pictures of him too.



Larry King, a Jew himself, was one of the first people to defend Brando against those who accused him of being anti-semitic! And what Marlon meant is this: "The Jews, he said, should be more sensitive about the way other minorities {especially Indians}are portrayed in movies , and they can influence that since they, indeed, *run Hollywood* {there's no secret about that!} They shouldn't *sacrifice* others, they should be more aware of stereotypes and prejudice in movies regarding those minorities"..
Does that make any sense to you??? Did you get what the guy meant now or you still think that he's not nice and a snob??? >>>

He ALSO said that Jews were not a good influence in Hollywood. He said " In movies you always see the "Guinea" and the "N****R but you never see the K**E"

Besides, boycotting the Oscars for the reason HE did I consider a classless act.



Dr. Lucie, I'm going to have to disagree with you on this point.

Firstly, I don't particularly agree with Brando refusing the Oscar. It seemed to me that he really didn't have a problem with the Academy, but was using it as a chance to promote his political interests. The fact is, it left people more confused than convinced of anything. I love Brando to death, but I'm not sure exactly what he was thinking. I simply try not do dwell on this particular point in his life.

Maybe it's just me, but you come off as sounding racist and/or anti-Semitic in this post. Perhaps that wasn't your intention, but when you say that 'not all Jews are bad', it sounds like a good Jew is the exception.

What do you mean about the news having a "Jewish" slant? Aren't the Jews that are"controlling" U.S. news also Americans? Or can you not be a Jew AND an American? These comments are bordering on neo-Nazism. Believe me, "Everyone" does not agree on this. I've never watched the nightly news, and said, "Oh, gosh, I can't take it! All this Jewish propoganda is driving me nuts!"

I think that people should be judged solely on their character, and frankly, race has nothing to do with it. It is on this point that I must disagree with Brando and you. People shouldn't be judged based on their race for ANY reason. That's why I don't think the Native Americans deserve special treatment or otherwise. That's why I don't believe in Affirmative Action or the government apologizing for slavery. It is judging people as a race, and I believe that's what we refer to as racism: assigning characteristics to a group's, not an individual's actions. In this way, favorism is as bad as a hate crime.

I presume that Brando was speaking casually and perhaps jokingly. He was probably trying to enlighten people on a point he'd noticed by making a gross generalization. I have never seen the footage, so I can't extract his exact meaning from these statements. I doubt that he meant that the Jewish population in the country was trying to win us over to Zionism through mind control, as you seem to think.



Though this has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread, I have a few more things to say, as I live and breath politics, and can't resist an argument.

You said you detest racism in every way, yet you say that you support Brando's fight for Native Americans. If we define racism as treating a group of people collectively by race instead of by individual merit, Brando could be guilty of it. People who 'favor' any group of people based on race are, whether for the best or worse intentions, practicing racism. It is labeled as other things, such as "diversity" or "multi-culturalism", but it promotes the very same thing.

Take, for example, the government apologizing to African-Americans for slavery. Nobody who is alive today owned slaves and no one who is alive today was a slave. Why should a race be held responsible for people who happen to be of the same race and committed horrendous acts? The same applies to Native Americans: Nobody during the 20th century "stole" land from the Indians, so why should anyone be held responsible?

In anothers words,

"Whether a given race receives special rewards or special punishments
is immaterial. The core of racism is the notion that the individual is
meaningless and that membership in the collective--the race--is the
source of his identity and value. To the racist, the individual's
moral and intellectual character is the product, not of his own
choices, but of the genes he shares with all others of his race. To
the racist, the particular members of a given race are
interchangeable." -Peter Schwartz

I'm still not quite clear exactly what Brando was fighting for. If he was fighting for racial integration, i.e., giving each race equal opportunities, I fully support him. However, which I think may be more likely, if he was fighting for Native Americans to get MORE rights than the average American, then he was, indeed, practicing racism.

If he argued that Indians were "forced" onto small reservations, I argue that they are given land. The average American isn't given free land. Indians are given money just because they are Indians. No other group in the country receives this benefit. Brando wanted to stop the negative media portrayal of Native Americans. Well, to force someone to portray a "positive" image of other groups of people violates freedom of speech. If a Native American would like to make a movie with a positive portrayal of the Native American, I'm sure he would be free to, and he would follow the process that any other person would to make a movie.

I believe in equality, not special priviliges for people based solely on race. I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from on this point.

I agree that Jews are a large influence in the media. I agree that not all people are good. But I ask: why bring race into the picture whatsoever? Instead of saying the Jews who run Hollywood are bad, simply say that the people running Hollywood are bad. Race has nothing to do with it.

I do have a problem with the Jews who get on their soapbox and keep on about WWII and Nazi Germany, and act like they deserve special treatment. No one from Nazi Germany is holding them down anymore, so they have no excuse. Other than that, I treat them like any other person.



oh, all of you need to get a bloody life.



Hey buddy, just because your name has "Dr" in it doesn't make you one. I like how you switch up your text, with asterisks and bolding and wow, even colors! If only we could speak in colors and underlines...I tried to talk in italics but everyone just asked why my head was tilted to the side. Well, I could go on but I believe my name speaks for itself. It answers all the above questions and settles any quandries quite nicely, I must say.




Lol this all makes me laugh


Hey Lucie, I know this may sound unusual but by articulating yourself well and writing a coherent, inciteful response to an obvious moron, you are only belittling yourself. There are MANY people who post idiotic, belligerent comments and they are only looking for attention. It's fine to reply but, when you take time to address them in an intelligent manner, it just gives them what they want....and is a waste of time for yourself.

I don't drink water...Fish F@#% in it. -Oscar Wilde


lucie, i gotta say - 17 months after the fact - that u sure don't sound like a doctor....if it IS true, u certainly sound like an angry doctor....u sound more like a teenager masquerading as a doctor, which really is pretty transparent....

ok, about BRANDO - sure he had his moments of altruism, like standing up for native americans....yes, he did interviews where he was quite down-to-earth; even lucid....u can trot out all the hollywood cronies in his defense that u like, but it is well-documented that this guy was eccentric to the 10th power, to say the least....

ask his KIDS what a great guy he was - they'll tell u! it's too bad he didn't channel some of the sympathies he had for native americans toward his own children - call me crazy but i feel the true testament of a person's character is how their children turn out (not that there aren't exceptions, but again, it is well-known that he failed his family miserably - he himself attested to that [i give him kudos for admitting it])....his personal life was - well, the story has been told, so.....

he WAS a great actor, no one has disputed that, as far as i his later roles, however, it's known that he had his lines fed to him.... even then he comes off brilliantly, so again, kudos!

u talk as if YOU know the man personally, which i believe u do not....unless i'm wrong..?

YOU have a nice day......."doctor"


Evil or NOT there is a huge Jewish influence in Hollywood. Personally, I don't like it because it gets exhibited by those who seem to be so left wing, liberal and permissive, it does contribute to the decreasing morality in society. At least that's the way I see it. And anyone can make a comment back at me and say what they want but I do feel it's true. Look at how much Hollywood hates Mel Gibson. Sure he's anti-Semitic & recently was allegedly to have been caught using the N word the Blacks always use, but so what. The same w/Michael Richards. He ranted about a few Blacks in the audience and all of the sudden becomes ostracized. On the other hand that Black actor on Grey's Anatomy made an Anti-Homosexual statement and his career has suffered greatly. I think it was Isaiah Washington. Homosexuality trumps Race in Hollywood 100% of the time. No one can deny history of Jews being chased out of different places throughout time. Nazi Germany, the Pogroms in Russia & so many other spots. That's why they were given a State of Israel which I do support. In the end times the Bible says Jews will return to Israel at alarming rates. I think it's just started so who knows. Bottom line is most of Hollywood is controlled by Jews. That's life.


maybe Brando has a fear of Mrs. Piggy or Yoda or maybe Oz is just a freak.



Oz had the temerity to try and direct "The Great One" (Gosh, imagine that, he was the 'director'... !), and apparently Brando took exception to this; making him, in my estimation, an ass. Hence the thread in relation I've posted on this very board. Come and join me if you have anything (be it contrary or in support) to add.

Flash, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!



Hardly ever respond 2 anything here,after all. It is in general a bunch of total utter and complete nobody's arguing and dissing the great names of cinema.
Funny, as if ppl think anyone in the biz would actually read any of this *beep*.
But anyways, just for the hell of it, I read Oz 's cinematography. Have any of u Anti-Brando's read what that man 'directed' ?!?

I was appalled. All the Star wars garbage that came out, (and trust me, Lucas was in charge there, and not Oz. Don't believe everything you read here)

Other then that, muppets, sesamestreet , OMFG ?! And you think it's strange that Brando didn't like him ?
Do you _Have_ 2 b a lobotomized vegetable to post here ?

Imagine they called you 'The greatest actor of the century' (and not just 4 headlines, he certainly ranked among the very best) and suddenly you're agent has signed you for an easy gig, that later turns out to be directed by the man that spend his entire life around the Muppet show. . . ?

I don't know Oz personally. But a few guesses around the modern masterpieces of cinema he directed, are more then enough to fill in the picture 4 me.

Haters. Carry on. (I even read a story that said Brando sold over due-date popstickles to little children !! Oooohh myy gooood. Somebody call the pigs. )


Imagine they called you 'The greatest actor of the century' (and not just 4 headlines, he certainly ranked among the very best) and suddenly you're agent has signed you for an easy gig, that later turns out to be directed by the man that spend his entire life around the Muppet show. . . ?

... and "The Muppets" gave pleasure to millions. If he really thought it was an "easy gig", then surely he wouldn't give a fig who directed it?!

Howlin Wolf (TM)

I said "Always" because 'True love never dies'.


Oz was still the directer, Brando should have had respect for that at least. I have nothing against Brando as an actor, but as a person he sounded like a complete *beep*.


I think its unfair that most people pick on Brando about his behaviour. sure hes been out of line a few times, but actors have done worse.
i think hes generally misunderstood.
his autobiography is really good and gives an insight into his life and thoughts. The person who helped him write it effectivly says he was a great guy in his foreword. I have heard many other stories of his kindness and generosity so maybe you had to get him on the right day.



I don't know the particulars of the Brando/Oz rift, or even it really exists. If it does, I'm tempted to think its because Brando is famous for being what nice people like to call "difficult".

Case in point:

On his commentary track to Apocalypse Now, Francis Coppola describes, in glowing terms, problems he encountered with Brando on the set of that film.

He had been instructed to have read the script, plus Conrad's "Heart of Darkness", the novel upon which the script was based. He had agreed to lose the substantial girth he had accumulated over the previous two years, to more adequately play the part of a US Army colonel.

Brando arrived, with no script, and not having read the novel. He was still grossly overweight. He holed up in his trailer, refusing to come out, sensitive about being filmed with his appearance as it was. He eventually came out to 'rehearse', but refused to work directly with Martin Sheen in any of these instances, in order to more methodically act as if his character and Sheen's were meeting for the first time.

During these 'rehearsals', he improvised vast amounts of dialogue, most of it only tenuously connected to his character, or the film. A portion of this, Brando reciting T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men", is included in the extras on the Apocalypse Now Complete Dossier DVD.

Granted, Coppola had decided that the ending as scripted by John Milius was not going to work with the direction the film's mood was taking, but he felt that Brando's lack of preparation was hampering any hope of giving shape to an ending that would work.

Coppola eventually appeased Brando's unwillingness to be shot as obese as he was, by saying that he would only photograph him seated, partially obscured, or in shadows. This would end up giving Brando his phantom-like presence in the film.

The problem would be trying to get a meaningful performance from Brando, who still had not yet read either the script or the book, in the remaining few days he would be available.

The next day, Brando emerged from his trailer, head shaven, and in good spirits. He revealed that he had read all of "Heart of Darkness" the night before and had an understanding of what he needed to do. He still had not read the script, and insisted note cards with his lines on them be concealed around the set, so he could read his lines as he was being shot, in order to capture the sponteneity of someone saying the words for the first time.

An ending was fashioned from Brando's 'rehearsal' ramblings, and from the two days of unrehearsed shooting done with Martin Sheen.

For this he was paid a reported $10 million.

Matt Channing
Oscar quality film music at bargain basement prices.


well brando wrote all his dailogue for apocalypse now...and what u see in the film is all his...coppola was there watching him come up with the stuff and brando was a class act...

"Im just a bum sitting in a motor home on a film set, BRANDO said, and they come looking for ZEUS".


3 1/2 years later your comment still is well informed and interesting.


Why doesn't Brando like Oz? Marlon Brando is known to want freedom in his craft.I think that Frank Oz never respected that.
