The Score or Stone?

Both movies,The Score and Stone,stars both great actors of their generation,Robert De Niro and Edward Norton.Have you seen both films?Which do you like better? Was it the action heist thriller,The Score; or the psychological drama,Stone?

In my case,I liked The Score better as compared to Stone.What about you?


I was very intriged by the Stone trailer. (plus Norton & DeNiro back again... duh, winning) I missed it in first run but then managed to catch it at our sub-run. I rarely walk out of movies but I could only take an hour of Stone. I could'nt get into Ed's character and his voice was annoying as hell.

So The Score wins hands down. DeNiro, Norton, Brando & Bassett are all great
but so is the supporting cast, even Sapperstein (the guy who sells the passcodes) I would say that Montreal plays a part as well. I love the Customs House, the cobblestone streets and the park.


It's apples and oranges. The two movies have nothing in common (other than DeNiro and Norton, of course).

Stone is a meditative tone poem on corruption and weakness.

The Score is a fast-paced heist movie.

Personally, I find The Score a lot more fun, but YMMV.


They may indeed be apples and oranges, but The Score is more digestible fruit.

Stone is still flavorful though, but was intimated, you have to kind of be in the mood for a lot of implicit meanings.

The Score on the other hand is just a nicely-crafted take on very familiar conventions. I like the classical pace and feel, I like the way it's structured, and the writing and acting are enjoyable.

With Stone, even though the Ed Norton character is supposed to be very intelligent you don't get fed a lot of the how and why. That quality is mostly suggested behind the scenes.

There's nothing Milla does that can't be handed in by five other people in a 10 mile radius, but she doesn't drop the ball so much as there's either too much attention on smaller matters, or the writing isn't strong enough to support the role it's supposed to be.

DeNiro is so angry and yet also so quiet that he's hard to read, not out of ambiguity at all but because it's so tightly controlled. You feel like you could predict him and it'd be believable, but it all feels so very natural. It's one level removed from something really good. Problem is that one level remains.

The Score tries for something entirely, arguably more achievable but it takes its own goal and runs with it much farther, I thought.

You can have a message and tell it well, but you can also tell it well with efficiency, and with leanness. Stone missed that mark for me.



ed norton's ridiculous character & performance sunk 'stone'--its chances of being good--like a stone.

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