FRANKLY, I really don't care how many people bash this movie. I like it and yeah it was semi disapointing but come on Its at least a 7.5 out of 10 movie.. and let me tell you why, DE NIRO has been making sh*t since 1997 and this is the only decent movie that came out of it. ALSO, it is BRANDO-AKA THE GODFATHER of "acting" last film. He was great in this, go ahead and bash all you want.. Compare his short part to BRUCE willis in hostage, he kicks his ass! FINAL POINT: DO NOT DISS BRANDO, he owns PACINO, DE NIRO, DEPP, PENN, JACK, ETC.. if it was not for BRANDO, PACINO, DE NIRO, DEPP and other actors *even James Dean* would not be talented! He taught them how to act, and they used his craft to blend with their own unique styles. HOWEVER, De niro threw it all away for the pay, *LIKE BRANDO DID in the 80's-till he died* the difference DE NIRO tortures us with crap like HIDE AND SEEK?! COME ON this is the guy that was TRAVIS BICKLE, JOHNNY BOY, THE YOUNG VITO, ETC.. and now hes Jack FOCKER?! what the hell is next.. Pacino and Jim carrey in "SELL YOUR SOUL?'' GOD, I HOPE NOT!