MovieChat Forums > The Score (2001) Discussion > why didnt he check? (spoilers)

why didnt he check? (spoilers)

isnt it just a little ridiculous that ed nortons character didnt check the bag to make sure the scepter was in there. im sure im not the only one who said to themselves "the scepter isnt in there" as soon as deniro handed him the bag... i know its just a movie but come on... ed nortons character is a painted as a smart slickster. surely he would have checked to make sure the 30 MILLION DOLLAR scepter was actually given to him

"Its only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything" -Tyler Durden


Teller didnt have the time to make sure the scepter was there. Though a quick check would have revealed it.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who wanted to him to check it everytime I watch. Just peek and see it's not there then get the real one.

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because even smart men can make silly mistakes?? its human!


i think it helped show just how much the Jackie character still had to learn about the craft.

it was all to easy to 'assume' that with all the hoops Nick just went thru, that why wouldnt that be the precious sceptor. plus i feel that Jackie was feeling way too superior thinking he had pulled one over on the great Nick. he just got cocky and it burned him.

perhaps he should consider himself lucky, getting too cocky could get him in jail or killed dabbling in the profession he was in.

if it wasn't for my horse, i wouldn't have spent that year in college


i agree with the poster who said it shows jack still has a lot to learn. he thinks because max is so mechanical in the way he planned everything that he wouldnt stray from the plan, which would be, put the septor in that bag and leave. jack wanted respect and thinks he has out smarted max and is to cocky to check because in a way his impact would be less if he has to check to make sure. there may be a link between this scene and the counting of money in the bag where jack tells the guy not to check it.


This thread is two years old, but, the reason I came here. It is also the reason I didn't enjoy the movie as much as I could have. The writers and other production crew got lazy with this. It is a perfect example of people having a story, and not quite knowing how to play it all of the way to the end. The thing is, this could have easily been changed. Rather than have the bag handed over and allow more chit chat... have the alarm go off right away. This would have prevented him from being able to check. Then, have him check when he gets out and changes, so he isn't all "cocky" at the bus station. It was stupid, a STUPID, STUPID, ending. The character was better than that, and they not only ruin the ending, they ruin the character as well.


Actually, it was right in line with Jack's character. He was smart, but made a few mistakes. The biggest one (before not checking for the septer) was letting Danny turn around and recognize him when he came up from behind in the control room. Remember in the beginning where Nick is in the same position robbing the party and he doesn't let the woman turn around? Had he not let Danny know it was him - he probably could at least not be identified, but he got cocky and wanted him to know who he was.


Don't agree with the ending? Shut up and make something better. Otherwise, quit complaining.


Couldn't you say that about any negative comments anyone makes about any movie on these boards? That was pretty lame, Uhh.



With regards to the park scene, at least Jack knew better to set up a meeting in a public place. That's why he told Sapperstein to count/or look at the money 'in the bag'

I agree that he didn't double check the bag because he had "everything planned out to the last detail". That's a line that both Jack & Nick said earlier
while planning the heist.


I'm sure his character would be asking himself the same question for the rest of his life. Hindsite is 20/20

Open the door for Mr. Muckle!!


It only shows that Jackie Teller is really new into the game of heist.Besides,it also shows how much experience Nick Wells has over him.


It's like you didn't watch the movie or something.

Why didn't he check? Because he's an over-confident, cocky, show-boat. He was more concerned with rubbing it in DeNiro's face and the dramatic last-minute escape he fabricated.

The fact that he called DeNiro first to brag before even looking in the bag sums up his character beautifully. DeNiro was always just one step ahead. He took the job b/c he knew exactly who he was dealing with, and knew he could burn him in the end. He used his arrogance to his advantage.
