Worst ending

LOVED this movie until the last 15 minutes. I get that the whole movie was supposed to be just a glimpse of what his life would have been like had he not going to London... but they should've had it where he woke up back in the airport and started his life with Kate right there all over again! I almost felt gypped after watching this ending. I give it an 8


it might have been more "magical" with him going back to the beginning of the movie and getting the whole package, if you will. but it's realistic the way it ends, and some can have hope that a second chance at love and a family with that one special person can still happen.

"If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!"



It was well established, during the movie, that it was all just a glimpse that would eventually end. Your ending would be a Disney like ending to the movie. Though the glimpse itself is not exactly realistic, it may be interpreted as Jack's dream, his mind reminiscing about Kate. But going back 13 years would be too much of a stretch.
Yeah, the way it ended was kind of gut-wrenching, it is what it is. It's still a lovely movie and a perfect 10 to me.




My first comment ever on imdb! I Love this film so much. I read somewhere but can't remember where that in the last scene in the airport when they have coffee, outside its snowing, which in the film indicates changes in jacks life. I like to think they get together. ??


Welcome to IMDB. I like to think they start their lives together as well. Your point about the snow is a good one.


Let's not try to interpret this more than it is. Keep in mind, Brett Ratner directed this and he's not a very "deep" director by any means. He's a very successful director, but not a director who would throw intentional metaphors to interpret meaning.

The last scene was basically what it was. It was up to the audience to imagine what happens, but it's straight forward. They were off to a great start. Nobody would drop everything in their lives just like that. She did it for him.


I agree with you, (loved the movie so much too.) It would've been great to see him wake back up like u described, BUT, it was really cool to see how successful she had become without him, and single, and blowing him off, like he did when he got her message (thought she was being nostalgic, etc.) Ha! Right? :-)


The ending effectively terminates the existence of the two kids. Easy to have kids in your 20's. Late 30's, not so much.


Those kids were really young they could still have kids.


The end is brilliant because it replicates the start of the movie in reverse with Jack pleading for them to try his vision of the relationship which is the same one Kate was pleading for at the start.
