I wish someone would do an opposite Family Man movie
I hate these movies that make it seem that the only happiness in life is to be found by having children. The tired old formula of the bachelor who has children forced on him and slowly realizes that his life has been empty and turns into the father of the year!
I have plenty of friends who have kids and are happy, but I also have friends that have kids and wish they didn't or at least wish they had waited longer to have them. My wife and I never wanted kids to tie us down and we never needed kids to make us feel whole. We've been together for almost 30 years and have 35+ nephews and nieces that we can "rent" for a weekend if we want, and we occasionally do, but then we get to send them home! It's wonderful!
I have seen too many couples raise 3, 4 or 5 kids and put them through college. They spend their whole lives devoting themselves to their children and they lose their own intimacy and their relationship. They wake up 20+ years later and look at the person in the bed next to them and think "Who are you?"
Look, some people were born to be parents and that's fine, but other people are totally happy never having them. Like us! Can we make a movie about a guy who gets married right out of high school, has three kids, drives a mini van and works in a tire store and gets the chance to go back and not knock up his high school sweetheart? Instead, he goes to college, gets an education, has fun, makes money, travels the world, eventually finds a wife after sleeping around for years with a bunch of underwear models and pro football cheerleaders and then retires early to Maui with his new wife, Corvette, beach house, eight figure investment portfolio and NO children and is the happiest man on planet Earth?